
开始ner - difference between pro and expert development kit

周一,2018-01-29 02:52--anishamatya

We are thinking of using DA14580 to include BLE functionality in our product (Ezairo chip based hearing enhancement device)
I am a complete beginner with the DA14580 and I was wondering which board (pro/expert) would be better to start learning about the 14580 chip, and which one provided access to the maximum number of features of the chip
与Pro / Expert相比,我理解基本有一些特征限制,所以我不想购买一个基本的套件


Mon, 2018-01-29 02:13--tanyong1126

手册上说DA14580有42K RAM和84K ROM,如果我把程序下载到片外flash中,那么上电后是不是程序被拷贝到42K RAM中运行?考虑到变量也存储在42K RAM中,是不是意味着代码必须小于42K ?
程序能否下载到84K ROM中直接运行?是否也是上电后被拷贝到42K RAM中运行,那代码也被限制在42K以下?84K ROM是否出厂时就已经被蓝牙协议栈占用了一部分,还是说完全是空的,全部留给用户使用?

如附件所示,keil c软件中on-chip IROM1是指84K ROM吗?IRAM1是指42K RAM吗?我对这里的设置没搞清楚,在线调试时这里如果设置不恰当,那么编译的程序就不能正常运行。

SmartSnippets not recognizing JTAG serial number

Thu, 2018-01-25 18:37--erenvar

I would like to use SWDIO and SWCLK pins (no uart connection) of the Iot board in order to burn the OTP of a DA14580 . When I open the SmartSnippets, it can see the virtual com port in uart mode but it does not recognize the JTAG serial number. Then I go on with the uart mode and open the project. When I try to use the booter of the program it asks me to press the reset button on the interface board but it does not detect the reset signal .(If I use the uart pins instead, the reset is detected). Could you propose a solution to this problem?


Thu, 2018-01-25 11:19--Jellybean_1

Hello Dialog,
does the SLG46826 support simulation ? I see some of other products like 46120 support spice simulation, what about the new NVM products ?
Will Dialog be providing programming tools - how do I program in system ?
BR jellybean

DA9063 - Reneses R-Car M3 Application note

Thu, 2018-01-25 09:22--ED_Dialog

An application note for the DA9063 and the Reneses R-Car M3 platform has now been uploaded to the support site. This document describes how to interconnect the DA9063-A Power Management IC (PMIC) and the DA9224-A sub-PMIC to the Renesas R-Car M3 System on a Chip (SoC). The updated document now contains software guidance for memory retention mode.

Clickherefor the application note.

DA9063 - Reneses R-Car H3 Application note and design files

Tue, 2018-01-23 14:12--ED_Dialog

Design files and application note for the DA9063 and Reneses R-Car H3 platform has now been uploaded to the support site. The Reneses R-Car H3 applications note (AN-PM-085) describes how to interconnect the DA9063 Power Management IC (PMIC),the DA9213 and the DA9214 sub-PMICs to the Renesas R-Car H3 System on a Chip (SoC). The Reneses R-Car H3 design file includes: a Schematic, BOM, PCB and the Reneses R-Car H3 application note.

DA14580 - No data received on App

Mon, 2018-01-22 19:01--mlan



Last year I used the DA14580 device on several boards I designed without any issues.
The boards used an external micro to download a bin file to the DA14580 UART on pins 4 and 5 at 57600pbs as described in the AN-B-001 document.
After this the firmware switched baud rates to 115200 and I could then easily transmit data that was picked up by my Android phone using the DSPS app. Everything worked fine.


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