
A problem with Hardware Design Examples

Wed, 2021-01-20 16:50--harry84

I have a problem with all of the Hardware Design Examples at the following link, for example, "da14531-ed-wlcsp-boost_vA_376-37-A.brd". When I tried to open it, the system shows "line 1, column 1: Start tag expected.". I tried to open all of the examples with different versions of EAGLE but I couldn't.

I would appreciate it if you help me to overcome this problem.



Wed, 2021-01-20 11:55--flaby

Hello Dialog,

I am not able to do SUOTA on DA145xx Pro Development Kit.

While downloading image from Android Mobile, I am getting an error, "Invalid Product Header"

Is anyone aware of this problem?

From the tutorial, the product header size is 64 bytes.

But after loading the multipart image file in SmartSnippet Toolbox, I am not able to see 64 bytes of product header in that. It shows only 24 bytes of product header.

Is this the reason for failing SUOTA?



Fixed Frequency Output without DTM Firmware

Fri, 2021-01-15 16:08--mbwjr12

Hi Dialog,

有一个例子简单地配置设备吗for fixed frequency output? My certification house is requesting that I provide samples that output at low, medium, and high frequencies without requiring software configuration like with SmartSnippets Toolbox.

I suppose I could hack up the prod_test firmware, but I was looking for something more straightforward.



How to Configure DA14531 as BLE Client

Wed, 2021-01-13 09:51--Rachana H B

Hi Dialog,

I'm trying to configure DA14531 USB development kit to act as BLE client that connects to the other advertising server like ESP32,but I couldn't find any resource how to configure it as client.
Basically I am trying to implement remote using DA14531 where it should be able to read the status of the connected device and any changes made using remote should notify the other device connected to act accordingly . It will be great help if you could provide the resource how to go about it and if any sample code available.

Thanks in advance.

SmartSnippets cli programming SPI flash failed

Thu, 2021-01-07 03:31--wpc

First, I can program SPI Flash with SmartSnippets Gui Interface.

I tried to use SmartSnippets cli to program devices for production but it failed. My command is:

SmartSnippetsToolbox.exe -type spi -chip DA14531 -jtag -cmd write -file -max 0x400000 -firmware "C:\Program Files\SmartSnippetsToolbox\SmartSnippetsToolbox5.0.14\common_resources\SupportPackages\DA1453x\toolbox_resources\common\flash_programmer_531.bin" -bootable

and output is:

problems with Pro Devkit

结婚,2021-01-06 32--cmarcus

Hi guys, I've been having endless trouble trying to use the Pro devkit for DA14531. Here's a digikey link to the exact device:


Basically, the USB connection seems to be extremely unstable. LED D4 is always blinking on the PCB, and I can hear the USB connecting and disconnecting constantly.

On a few occasions the board has connected, but then it will suddenly disconnect minutes later for no discernable reason (I don't even have to be near it).


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