DA14531 SmartBond TINY Module

DA14531 SMARTBOND TINY™ MODULE - Keil JTAG default Clock Speed

Wed, 2020-05-20 11:16--PM_Dialog

When trying to program DA14531 SMARTBOND TINY™ MODULE using Keil, an error may occur when the user tries to open the debugger session. To solve this, user must lower the JTAG clock speed to 2MHz.

In case this error occurs, please follow the steps described inSection 6.1 Keil JTAG default Clock SpeedinUM-B-141user manual to solve it.

CodeLess adverising data

Thu, 2020-11-05 17:20--hto

"Note: Please note that commands AT+ADVDATA and AT+ADVRESP are not available in DA14531 due to memory constraints."

Does this mean, that it is not possible to send advertising data when using "CodeLess"?

We wanted to exchange data between 2 or more TINY modules without the need to be connected.

That is the the way we used another BLE module to implement our own propriarity network.

Unable to program the Flash in the module

Thu, 2020-10-29 14:42--ngml73


I have just bought a new DA14531MOD-00EVKT-P and setting up according to session 5.9.2 of 'um-b-141_da14531_smartbond_tinytm_module_development_kit_hardware_user_manual_1.1.pdf'

I used Flash programmer v1.0.4.2972 to erase and program 'codeless_531_standalone_set_two.hex' and other hex file and the same error found.

Attached is the log file.

Please advise if I missed any steps

Programming custom DA14531 Module over 1 wire UART

Fri, 2020-10-23 00:43--AdamShier


I have 2 questions.

1) I have 1 wire uart programming connected in the following setup. A ftdi cable (TTL-232R-3V3 cable) with rx and tx connected with a 1k resistor, with that connected to p05. The ground of the uart cable is connected to ground of the board. The board is powered by batteries, 3V. When I go to program it in the smart toolbox, it always just responds

Error while waiting to receive STX from FTDI device.

any thoughts on why that might be?

DA14531 BLE Detected issue

Mon, 2020-10-19 05:40--pooja

Hi PM_Dialog,

In my custom board used DA14531 Module.

Programmed DA14531 Module using "codeless_531_set_two_standalone" which is available inDA145xx_CODELESS_6.380.12.6 .

Downloaded "Smart console"app from play store.

open the smart console app in android and the DA14531 Module detected in mobile.

Here comes the main issue,

1.In the app it detects the module but unable to connect module.(Its shown message like disconnected while trying to connect the module)

Sleep - Wake up - Sleep

Sat, 2020-10-17 21:43--harry84

I m working on DA14531. How the SoC go into extended or deep sleep mode and how to set a timer to wake up it automatically.
Actually, I need that device automatically wakes up after every minute and reads data from a GPIO and then writes them to RAM and finally go back to sleep mode.

Is there any example code for this kind of scenario?

It should be mention that the device must sent the saved data to another device through BLE connection every day.

Thanks in advance


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