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sardar shamsher...
Last seen:6 years 3 weeks ago
Joined:2015-04-01 12:13
Data streaming issues

I am using muRata P2ML3078 board and SDK DA14580_581_SDK_3.0.8.0.
Able to connect device to Connection Manager using "prox_reporter_ext_usb" profile. After doing advertising, able to connect this to Mobile having Android 4.3. But not able to trasfer any data from mobile to device using BLE chat/scanner.
Locally in Connection Manger if doing any SET/GET then able to see value proper in Connection Manager but the same not able to see in Mobile.
Mobile is working in Central mode and Device in Peripheral mode.

Last seen:4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined:2014-01-06 10:42
Hi Sardar,

Hi Sardar,
Could you try the following sequence?

1. Run Connection Manager
2. Select appropriate COM port and RTS/CTS setting
3. Press "Boot as Peripheral"
4. Press "Advertise"
6. At your mobile app, you will see one characteristic with UUID 0x06D1E5E7-79AD-4A71-8FAA-373789F7D93C. Enable notification of the characteristic from your mobile phone.
7. At Connection Manager, select Characteristic handle 0x0012 and press "Notify." Your mobile app will receive data.