I've recently start using DA14580DEVKT - Smart Developemnt Kit, and currently i'm working on a project which has to scan all nearby phone devices with bluetooth enabled, so at this point i don't care about establishing connections between them.
我想不出来为什么我得不到任何的results when i'm scanning after phone devices though they have bt enabled and visible .
Now, i have two DA14580 boards, the first act as a scanner, and have the role set to GAP_CENTRAL_MST. The other one act as broadcaster, with the role GAP_PERIPHERAL_SLV.
What confusing me is the fact that the "scanner" succesfully detect the perhiperal slave when is in range, so shouldn't happen the same with the phones devices in range?
Do you have any ideea what is the problem?
Hi coldeal,
In order for a BLE device to be found it must advertise, are the phones, devices, etc that you are trying to scan advertising ? Most android phone devices act as clients, you can instruct them to advertise by using a specific android application.
Thanks MT_dialog
Can you give me a name of such application, please?
Hi coldeai,
You can try the BLE Peripheral Simulator, never used it, but it should do its job.
Thanks MT_dialog