Using DA14580_BEACON_3.40.6.
My application running based on DA14580_BEACON_3.40.6 is now facing a crucial issue which cause DA14580 reset right after connection made from Android or iOS device.
And my observation is interesting that if the *service discovery* is delayed after couple hundred ms, it would then survive for serving GATT commanding.
So, is there any bug/limitation in DA14580 for serving GATT request with a guard time required after connection is made?
我也发现了类似的情况,在做SUOTA (sending data via write without response) it also cause DA14580 reset, stepping down the frequency of write request would alleviate this issue. These findings all lead me to wondering if any performance limitation to the BLE stack of DA14580.
Would someone help to clarify it for me?
We just found the root cause.
It's the shortage of memory for BLE stack, we remove some features and cut down the code size at certain level, then this issue is resolved.
This can be closed.