Hi what is the maximum period of scanning in the connection manager. It is observed that after few seconds the scanning stops .is there anyway to increase the scanning time in connection manager??
Thanks. :-( What would you suggest to me (app notes or other example) to start from that is near this application? I'm currently reading and trying the UM-B-010 document. I'm not able to have as good results as the Connection Manager software. With Connection manager the communication is working very well. I admit that I have a lot to read until I could reach an application like the Connection Manager. I intend to use an external processor. So if I would have an example or a project that is based on the UM-B-010, it could be easier for me and the time to market would be shorter for our company. As you remarked, I'm new to BT stuff.
Hi, In spite of not having the Connection Manager source code, would it possible to have the serial commands to talk to the PAN1740 with an external processor? Do you have an example to initiate the device and a data exchange example?
UM-B-013 shows how to run external MCU over SPI interface - this woud be the best starting point. There is also another release we just made last week which might help : new serial port service profile : this is a simple way to exchange data without having to build a custom profile - think of it as wireless UART. You can find that under the reference design section.
The team at Panasonic might be working on something also : you can email them atwireless@eu.panasonic.com, they are also very responsive.
Hello hrg,
It is not possible to modify this in the connection manager.In the source code, you can restart the scanning if the previous scanning is completed.
BR JE_Dialog
is it possible to get the connection manager source code or the serial commands for the DA14580?
Thanks a lot.
Hello Sebastien, It is not possible to give out the source code for connection manager at this time.
BR JE_Dialog
Thanks. :-( What would you suggest to me (app notes or other example) to start from that is near this application?
I'm currently reading and trying the UM-B-010 document. I'm not able to have as good results as the Connection Manager software.
With Connection manager the communication is working very well. I admit that I have a lot to read until I could reach an application like the Connection Manager. I intend to use an external processor. So if I would have an example or a project that is based on the UM-B-010, it could be easier for me and the time to market would be shorter for our company. As you remarked, I'm new to BT stuff.
Could you help me?
Thanks in advance.
In spite of not having the Connection Manager source code, would it possible to have the serial commands to talk to the PAN1740 with an external processor?
Do you have an example to initiate the device and a data exchange example?
Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
Hi Sebastien,
UM-B-013 shows how to run external MCU over SPI interface - this woud be the best starting point. There is also another release we just made last week which might help : new serial port service profile : this is a simple way to exchange data without having to build a custom profile - think of it as wireless UART. You can find that under the reference design section.
The team at Panasonic might be working on something also : you can email them atwireless@eu.panasonic.com, they are also very responsive.
BR JE_Dialog
Thank you very much. I will take a look tomorrow morning.
Have a great day!