I am using DA14583 SUOTA and second bootloader,it is very convenient to update FW online!My problem is that I do not know how to genrate a product_header.h to change my BD address,other than the definition in NVDS.
Besides,when DA1458x is working ,is it possibile to re-write the BD address field in the internal flash? So that I can change the BD address through UART,and restart the device.
Thanks for DA supporters!
Hi birenpeter,
You will have to #define the CFG_READ_BDADDR_FROM_DA14583_FLASH in the da1458x_config_advanced.h file and provide a product header in spi address 0x1F000. The product header in the flash should have the structure of the the product_header struct. The nvds_read_bdaddr_from_da14583_flash() will initialize the spi and check for a valid product header and a valid bd_address and if everything is ok will place the bd address as the functioning address of your device.
Regarding the re-writing the address, i haven't tried out but i dont see any problem in doing that.
Thanks MT_dialog