I'm trying to use the SmartSnippets CLI to download firmware to the SPI flash on my device. I have everything working, the one issue I have is that smartsnippets halts and asks if I want to make the image bootable (I don't, because I have a secondary bootloader loaded into OTP and it's not compatible with the extra boot header). Ultimately I'll be rolling this script into a larger test suite and I don't want the user to have to hit 'N' constantly. It looks like there's a flag to make the image bootable, is there one to specify that it should NOT be made bootable?
Nevermind! Fixed it by setting 'DISABLEVALIDATIONS = true' in the “%SMARTSNIPPETS_WORK%properties.txt” file. I'll leave this post up in case someone else has the same problem.
For future revs, it would be nice to have this feature as a flag via the CLI instead of having to change the properties file.
Hi mark.bloechl,
Thanks for sharing, the CLI with the bootable option will be released soon.
Thanks MT_dialog