I came across a custom board design around the Da14580 which has something peculiar in it's schematic. It states that "P1_2 and P1_3 cannot be toggled when 16 MHz XTAL is" .(the last word is cut off).
Is there any restriction on using pin 1_2 and 1_3 ? Is there any special dependency on the XTAL or some other peripheral ?
I tried looking for this in the datasheet but didn't find anything
Can I safely use it in my design for I2C ?
Hi ankitdaf,
Yes, there is a limitation for those two pins, P1_2 & P1_3 will crosstalk to the 16MHz xtal oscillator and shouldn't be switched when the 16MHz clock is operating, you can check the AN-B-009 section 4.2.
Thanks MT_dialog