软件(XX.bin) equipment with DA1458x_Production_Line_Tool_v_3.0.7.466, If down to flash , The tool burn OK,Then the equipment can find by BLE APP;But down to OTP, The tool also burn OK, the equipment cannot been found by BLE APP. My schematic only OTP ,so now can't Produce.
The equipment with has down OTP by DA1458x_Production_Line_Tool_v_3.0.7.466, now can debug with SDK,then can find by APP,but the equipment address is same the DA1458x_Production_Line_Tool_v_3.0.7.466 down . finally, burn software (XX.HEX)with SmartSnippets.exe to OTP,also can burn successful,also can find by APP,also the equipment address is same the first down with DA1458x_Production_Line_Tool_v_3.0.7.466.
How DA1458x_Production_Line_Tool_v_3.0.7.466 burn with OTP can OK? Produce very urgent! please reply !
Thu, 2015-09-24 04:11
Hi huangliangyu,
Dialog's local team will contact you.
Thanks MT_dialog
I also want to know how to burn firmware to OTP and test the chip on the production line, what is the sofwware DA1458x_Production_Line_Tool_v_3.0.7.466 for? where I can download this file? if it is not for production line burning and testing, can you tell me where I can get some info and document about production line burning and testing? thanks
Hi yy,
You can check the below docs for more information about the PLT tool.
http://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/product/da14580in the production Line Tool Option
Thanks MT_dialog
thanks, I have several questions as below, pls help.
1.can I buy such a PLT board ? where can I buy one? I can't find it on digikey.com.
2.also, I want to know as we use the Murata module TypeZY which integrate the DA14580 and 16M clock and antenna all inside, if I need to design another daughter board to put the module on it and connect it to the PLT board?
3. since I use the module with 16M clock inside, Do I need to do the clock trimming work on production line?
4. the chip is programmed before it is solder on final board with SMT, right? I use JTAG to burn firmware currently, can the BLT set to burn via JTAG or can I set the JTAG pins as UART function? thanks for help
another question: how can I access to the resource page? is there any link?
Hi yy,
Just go to the Documents tab and choose the User Manual or the Application Note you are interested in. As far as you other questions a member from the local team will contact you.
Thanks MT_dialog
hello, I want to know if the PLT use P0_4 and P0_5 as UART connections to downlaod firmware. I checked the document and need to confirm with you. thanks
Hi yy,
Yes you can use the P0_4 and P0_5 pins to download firmware on the da.
Thanks MT_dialog
I would be interested in knowing where we can buy the production line tool and how much it would cost?
It would be worth while noting it here to give others an idea.
Hi There, there is a typical cost of approx $1000 per board (we recover cost only -we build in batches of 100's as you can appreciate its quite a complex tool). We don't sell it "off the shelf" through a catalog distribution house becasse of the support requirements. In China, we sell through our distributors and they also provide local hands on support to enable custmoers to set-up. In EMEA, we use a 3rd party (WSI) who will support the tool on a fee basis (they have extensive expeirence and have multipel end custmoer projects running in production with the PLT tool).
BR JE_Dialog
According to abvoe, you have done it, burn SPI with DA1458x_Production_Line_Tool_v_3.0.7.466.
我想知道如何烧固件的spiPLT tool?
Can you help me?
Hope to get your help. Thanks!
Hi Bean,
Our local team will contact you.
Thanks MT_dialog
where down this tools ?
Hi ydw,
The PLT tool software and documentation is available in Reference design section of the support site, please follow the below link,
Check at the bottom of the page.
Thanks MT_dialog