Hello MT_dialog,
I'm using uart2 and it seems that the Rx FIFO size is fixed on 16 bytes , is it possible to change it to 32 ? because there is the following struct in uart2.c :
/// FIFO_SZ values
But it's not used.
-- saif
Hi bensalemsaif,
I think that i ve answered your question on this posthttp://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/uart-input-fifo-size, please have a look at the datasheet.
Thanks MT_dialog
Hi MT_dialog,
Thank you for your reply. Now for uart recpetion interrupt , I'm calling uart2_read so my callback function will be called once the 'x' bytes (2nd parameter) are readed.
Is it possible that my callback function be called directly when a UART recpetion interrupt occurs ? without calling the uart2_read function , so automatically I got the interupt and my function is called ?
Thank you,
Hi bensalemsaif,
If you want to get an interrupt for every character you get you can set your 'x' bytes parameter to a single byte in the uart2_read() function, or you can get the UART interrupt directly from the UART2_Handler() in the uart.c file for every character you get at the RECEIVE_AVAILABLE case.
Thanks MT_dialog