Could you give me your setup ? Are you using sleep ? When using sleep the peripheral including the timers 0 and 2 are disabled, so i suppose that you dont use sleep and you have a ticking timer that interrupts in a predefined period, and when your device gets connected the interrupt never occurs, is that correct ?
I dont see anykind of behaviour like this, when advertising and connected the interrupts a occur as they should (i ve implemented your code in the custom profile example), the problem should be in the message handling of the start/stop of the timer, perhaps you send a stop message when the device is connected?
no i am not sending any messages to stop timer on connection of the device, I am sending a gapc_param_update request in app_connection function , but why this will stop the timer interrupts?
Aslo i am using sdk- and nexus 5 running android marshmallow
No this shouldn't interfiere with the interrupts either, you cant run a simple test by activating the timer in the peripheral setup section and as soon as the 580 starts to operate start the timer and toggle a led, issue a connection and check if the timer keeps on toggling the led. Can you please check if the timer stops after connection with the setup i mentioned?
Hi mohit3112,
Could you give me your setup ? Are you using sleep ? When using sleep the peripheral including the timers 0 and 2 are disabled, so i suppose that you dont use sleep and you have a ticking timer that interrupts in a predefined period, and when your device gets connected the interrupt never occurs, is that correct ?
Thanks MT_dialog
yes after connection interrupt never occurs
here is my setup
static void init_timer_scheduler(void)
struct flip_main_fsm_msg *msg = KE_MSG_ALLOC(FLIP_MAIN_FSM_MSG ,
flip_main_fsm_msg );
msg->type = 0;
int flip_main_fsm_msg_handler(ke_msg_id_t const msgid,
const struct flip_main_fsm_msg *param,
ke_task_id_t const dest_id,
ke_task_id_t const src_id)
if(param->type ==0)
else if(param->type == 1)
timer0_stop ();
I am not using any sleep modes
Hi mohit3112,
I dont see anykind of behaviour like this, when advertising and connected the interrupts a occur as they should (i ve implemented your code in the custom profile example), the problem should be in the message handling of the start/stop of the timer, perhaps you send a stop message when the device is connected?
Thanks MT_dialog
no i am not sending any messages to stop timer on connection of the device, I am sending a gapc_param_update request in app_connection function , but why this will stop the timer interrupts?
Aslo i am using sdk- and nexus 5 running android marshmallow
Hi mohit3112,
No this shouldn't interfiere with the interrupts either, you cant run a simple test by activating the timer in the peripheral setup section and as soon as the 580 starts to operate start the timer and toggle a led, issue a connection and check if the timer keeps on toggling the led. Can you please check if the timer stops after connection with the setup i mentioned?
Thanks MT_dialog