I'm integrating uart interface to the module.
Currently I'm able to transmit bytes to and from the chip according the peripheral_examples.c -- so HW functions.
How ever for the application integration, I need a bit more efficient solution.
There seem to be a quite advanced uart driver at:
but I didn't found any examples of how to config and use it.
I looking something that hides the driver below functions like:
int read(*buffer,buff_size); //returns bytes read. (0..buff_size -- negative for error)
int write(*buffer,size); //returns bytes written -- negative for error
Any ideas?
Hi at7,
The current available implementation of the UART driver is the one described in the in the UM-B-051.pdf doc. Since you are using the SDK3, maybe you can check the peripheral_example projects in the new SDK 5 and see if it suits you.
Thanks MT_dialog