i am using sdk 3.10.1 , I am having a weird problem in which the device stops adverting after disconnection (sometimes) and sometimes randomly . I never had this problem while development it occurred only when i opt it. To make it work again we have to reset it.
Also I2C routines of da14580 api sometimes stuck at the while loop sometimes , is there a better implementation than using while loop , Is there any example of using I2c interrupts instead of waiting in while.
我最后的怀疑是abo血型ut watchdog timer , will watchdog reset the system if its stuck in while loop of I2C routines , in watchdog reset does the retention RAM also gets reset.
system details :-
sdk 3.10.1
central device - iOS 9.1 and android 6.0
Mohit Maheshwari
Hi mohit3112,
When your device stops advertising what happens in your code, can you check? Unfortunatelly there no implementation without using the while loops. If you have configured to use watchdog timer then yes, it should cause a reset to the system directly or it can first cause a NMI and some ms later cause a reset, and no it should not reset the retention RAM, but eventually will be reset during start-up.
Thanks MT_dialog
after otp'ed jtag does not work
Hi mohit3112,
The only way to know whats happening and why the device stops is via debugging, you have to use another da and download the code that you burned in your OTP.
Thanks MT_dialog