In our production line we want to verify if the DA14580 is radio link is working. Is there any kind of “selftest” that we can start to verify that the BT part of the chip is working? We don’t want to have any other BT module in the production line that verifies that the DA14580 is working.
We have a microprocessor that downloads the SW via UART to the DA14580 every startup. After that we would like to send a UART command starting the “selftest” verifying that the “radio link/BT part” is working and sending a result back.
Is there a clever way to achieve this?
Hi magnus,
Please have a look at the PLT boardhttp://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/reference-design/production-line...and check if it meets your needs.
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks for fast answer.
I understand that you point to this, but we have our own test equipment that we will use. We now have a new product in our product family with your DA14580 on and we will use our test equipment to download and verify this product. At the moment we can verify that all parts on the product is working except the DA14580 Bluetooth part. The thing is that we don’t want to add BT to the test equipment. That is why asked the question if there is any way to check that the BT part in DA14580 is working without connect it to another BT part?
Some kind of smart selftest?
Hi magnus,
Sorry, but no there is no selftest register in order to verify that the radio in working properly, dialog provides this kind of tool in order to perform these kind of tests on the da.
Thanks MT_dialog