Since the 14583 has 1024k flash on chip,I think maybe this area canbe update by air.But in the documents,I cannot find the cosponding datasheet to dicribe how to updata the context in DA14583.I am wonndering do you got any document like 《AN-B-003: DA14580 Software Patching over the Air (SPotA)》that tell how to updata software over the ait.but not only in DA14580,just also in DA14583
Hi shezhe9,
There is no application document specifically for 14583 and SUOTA. But i suppose that you are able to do that just as da14580, the difference is only the pin configuration of the SPI. You can try to experiment with the proximity application of the SDK5.
Thanks MT_dialog
谢谢,我已经注意到了这一点chip contian 1K Flash wtih spi bus onchip。which means it just take the internal flash as external spi Flash as well.
嗨Shezhe9,您可能还想读取AN-B-010,即Suota的应用程序,并以更详细的解释.As Marios提及,它引用14580,但是14583只是14580 +闪存内部),所以相同拟议方案工作(如14580年的文件),在SDK5中,它包含在14583个近距离记者项目的项目示例中。
Thanks Mr JE. And another question,dou You got any SUOTA sourse code example in both 14580 agent side and host side such as ios app or andriod app?
Hi shezhe9,
You can find an implementation of the SUOTA profile in the proximity_reporter and in smart tag reference design. As far as the host side a mail has been sent.
Thanks MT_dialog
The suota module seem to use around 5KB which is driving my implementation past 32K. is there a minimal.implementation of this. Port selection and all that is not needed if that is fixed. also what is the use of the proximity module in the example. I don't think that is required for a custom implementation?
There is no smaller version of the SUOTA implementation. Regarding the proximity module of the example, i dont quite get what you mean, the proximity example includes the SUOTA profile in
Thanks MT_dialog
Dear MT_dialog,
I also want to test a OAT function with DA14583 and dialog USB dongle in window PC.
But I can't understand a test environment.
1) Put a fw_multi_part_spi.bin file into DA14583.
2) Which project should I execute for dialog USB dongle ?
3),公关ogram shoud I execute in window PC ?
-> I runed a SmartSnippets program for' SUOTA initiator. But I can't connect a COM port because Connect button is not activated.
Hi hogyunkim,
2) I suppose that you would like to use the dongle as a central and the 583 as a device, there is no need to download any fw on the dongle, Smart Snippets will do that upon connection (whn you hit the connect in Smart Snippets).
3)您应该运行智能片段和OTA应用程序,这将允许您使用加密狗作为中央,并将Suota Central FW下载到加密狗中,您必须使用UART接口,以便“连接”选项能得到的。
Thanks MT_dialog
I can't activate the "Connect" button with my dongle.
At previous time, I can connect but now I can't connect to my dongle.
Is there any firmware to execute for USB dongle ?
我已经使用USB Donlge端口选择了正确的COM端口。
Best regards,
如果智能代码段OTA服务中的连接按钮被停用是因为您正在使用JTAG接口,以便与工具连接而不是UART端口。当智能片段开始时,请选择普通UART模式(不是UART / SPI模式)。在开放OTA服务并点击“连接按钮”后,智能片段将指示“加载固件,请稍候......”之后它应该指示“成功加载的固件”,它将开始扫描过程。扫描过程将自动完成。
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks for your comment.
So, I merged the OTA profile to DSPS project
But I got the message from SmartSnippets below.
我错了什么?我参考了关于“如何将Suota配置文件添加到我的SDK 5.0.3应用程序的注释?”常见问题解答的页面。
I also checked the downloading image is normal.
[信息@ 17-03-14 18:46:01]与目标设备建立链接...
[INFO @ 17-03-14 18:46:02]建立了与目标设备的链接。
[INFO @17-03-14 18:46:02] Characteristics discovery started.
[info @ 17-03-14 18:46:03]特色发现完成。
[INFO @17-03-14 18:46:37] Firmware download started...
[info @ 17-03-14 18:46:37] Spotar_img_Started
[INFO @17-03-14 18:46:37] Memory Info:
[info @ 17-03-14 18:46:37]固件下载失败。
[信息@ 17-03-14 18:46:37]目标设备已断开连接。请尝试重新建立链接。
Best regards,
Hi hogyunkim,
The error that you got indicates that something is wrong with the product header in the flash, this is the only reason that you can have this kind of error. Is there a product header in your multipart image (at the address 0x1F000) and if there is one, does it have the proper product header signature 0x70 and 0x52 ?
Thanks MT_dialog
I checked the product header, and I got the data below
[0x1F000] 70 52 00 00 00 80 00 00
[0x1F008] 00 30 01 00 FF FF FF FF
I think that the multipart image is right.
I doubt the SPI communication to flash memory in DA14583.
And I configure the SPI_PORTs and SPI_PINs in user_periph_setup.h file.
Is there any fixing points in DSPS project ?
Best regards,
Hi hogyunkim,
你应用on_spotar_status_change()乐趣ction in order for the flash to be enabled since your device is the 583 in order for the application to enable the flash ?
You will be able to find the implementation in the prox_reporter example, here is the implemented code of the function:
void on_spotar_status_change(const uint8_t spotar_event)
#if defined(__DA14583__) && (!SPOTAR_SPI_DISABLE)
int8_t man_dev_id = 0;
man_dev_id = spi_flash_enable(SPI_EN_GPIO_PORT, SPI_EN_GPIO_PIN);
// The device was not identified. The default parameters are used.
// Alternatively, an error can be asserted here.
if(spotar_event == spotar_end)
// Power down SPI Flash
/// @} APP
Thanks MT_dialog
I already put this code into user_sps_device.c file.
The reason is that I set the GPIO0_3 to below.
And I want to know other pins affecting the OTA operaion.
I am using a DA14580DEVKT-P_VB with DA14583 chip.
And I am using a flash area with SPI communication.
Also I didn't connect any connection with PIN0_3.
Best regards,
Hi hogyunkim,
由于您使用的是583(并且您已经在您的DSP应用程序中定义了使用的DEV套件是583),如果583被选为运行设备,则GPIO0_3从SUOTA SW中的引脚没有使用。Suota使用的是583的闪光灯的引脚(2_0 clk / 2_3 cs / 2_4 miso / 2_9 mosi)。在580的情况下,P0_3用作外部闪光的CS。
Thanks MT_dialog
So, It is strange SUOTA operation is effected on GPIO0_3 pin.
1) D14580DEVKT-P_VB, DA14583ATDB-P
2) ble_app_ota.uvprojx
+ GPIO_ConfigurePin(GPIO_PORT_0, GPIO_PIN_3, INPUT_PULLDOWN, PID_SPI_DI, false); in set_pad_functions() function.
Hi hogyunkim,
是的,我能够复制您正在遇到的内容,似乎当您将引脚配置为PID_SPI_DI时,当Suota操作时(它在与闪存的互动时配置SPI模块的引脚)您有两个引脚同时连接到一个SPI模块。当发生这种情况时(两个引脚都有PID_SPI_DI,所以您在一个输入中有两个源),引脚的功能性将分配给具有较小GPIO索引的GPIO,因此到03端口引脚(以及拟文调原样工作)。您可以在您的情况下做些什么,因为我想在583上有一个额外的SPI设备,是申请Suota所做的(或多或少)就涉及所关注的配置,不要使用特定函数的PeripH_Init()函数在PID_GPIO中配置函数,而是将它们稍后使用它们,在完成将引脚DE-CONGINION FING THE PID_GPIO FUNCTIONS完成后立即应用相应的配置。
Thanks MT_dialog
I understand your comment.
Your comment is that if I want to use OTA function with SPI communication, then I don't use the PID_SPI_DI definition or I have to use PID_SPI_DI definition after finishing OTA function.
I have another question.
Best regards,
Hi hogyunkim,
No it doesn't affect the other SPI pins because those pins and are configured for output functionallity and not as input towards the SPI module.
Thanks MT_dialog