对于配对需要从“Central(Master)”侧需要静态PIN码。中央是iOS SDK的iPad。
When I try to pairing with the device from Android Phone, I get a pop up window with keyboard to enter pin. Correct pin allows to pairing. iOS connects with the device without any code.
How can I require PIN obligatory?
Hi Vadym,
You mean that the iOS completes the pairing without asking you the PIN and before entering the number you can see the services and the characteristics? can you write them? If your characteristics dont have authorization then nobody forces the host to require pairing in order to read them. Also bare in mind that service discovery isn't part of the security. Meaning that the host is able to see the supported services and characteristics without require authentication, all the services and characteristcis are available during the service discovery (not their values). If you want the host not to be able to see your services you can enable them after a successful pairing/bonding to the peripheral. Now i suppose that seeing the services/characteristics on iphone and not seeing them on android its a matter of UI.
Thanks MT_dialog
你好。我不是很大的专家in Bluetooth Low Energy protocol, so may be somebody can help me with few questions:
2. What are definitions I need to do for obligatory asking pin code when pairing with the device?
4. In connect establishment process, the function app_send_pairing_rsp_func() doesn't called. How can I obligate the central to ask the connection parameters?
在项目中定义的项目中:app_sec_env.auth =(gap_auth_req_mitm_bond);
In BLE when a device is paired when disconnected doesn't go through the pairing procedure again, if the host was previously connected to the device it will require to validate the keys that are exchanged during the pairing procedure. So if your device is properly paired the only way a pairing procedure to be repeated is to be unpaired. You have to set your service or the specific characteristics to require authorization in order the host to be able to read and write the characteristics only after the pairing sequence, the host will be able to see the services and the characteristics but he wont be able to read them or write to them before pairing. Your host have to issue a pairing request command when he sees that the characteristics need authorization in order to be read.
Thanks MT_dialog
If I understand right, I need to define the connection security option in function:
void app_send_pairing_rsp_func(struct gapc_bond_req_ind *param)
What API for Core BLE (iOS) we need to use for unpairing the device and clear the validations keys?
I see the device in " Bluetooth devices" (Settings->Bluetooth) but I can't to do anything.
Hi Vadym,
During connection establishment do you invoke the app_security_start() in the app_connection_func? You can find the the implementation of the function and an example of the pairing procedure in the SmartTag reference design. To complete the pairing procedure without invoking the app_send_pairing respose_func is a bit weird.
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks for all answers! It really helpful!
When the device connects with central first time, the request pin code popup window appears on iPAD. And first time it connects properly.
After the Central disconnection from the Device (not forget bonding), it can't connect again. IPAD give a message "Connection Alert. The peripheral disconnected while being interrogated”. I try to use function from SmartTag reference design:
void app_store_bond_data( void );
空白app_clear_bond_data( void );
int app_check_bond_data( struct rand_nb *rand_nb, uint16_t ediv );
void app_load_bond_data( void );
This hasn't improved the situation.
Can anybody give me a tip for this?
Hi Vadym,
When a device is paired is doesn't go through the pairing procedure again, the host has to send and ecryption request in order to establish a secure link with peer device. In smarttag when your device is bonded and goes through the pairing procedure again will find data in the flash and will reject the connection.
Thanks MT_dialog
With Android it connects right after bonding and when android central forgets bond information, the device rejects the connection.
1. What is defined wrong for IOS?
Hi Vadym,
Thanks MT_dialog
It starts to work.
问题与iOS 7有关。它使用iOS 9它正常工作。
Does anybody know if I can use hard coded ALPHANUMERIC PIN code that more than 6 digits?
Hi Vadym,
Thanks MT_dialog