on my project,i use a external EEPROM(part number is GT24C512A) to store the firmware,then the system boots from the EEPROM.when i used a jlink to burn the EEPROM,everything went well,but the content read from the EEPROM are defferent from the selected hex.could you guys help me?thx.
Mon, 2015-01-19 16:09
why are the contents read back from the EEPROM defferent?
can you tell me how to upload the pictrues?with some pictures it is easy to discribe the promble.
Hello fight_bt, someone should have been in touch with you to help solve your issue.
BR JE_Dialog.
Same problem here.
How to solve it? Any FAE can help me ?
Hi Mansonhui,
When you use smartsnippets, the generated hex file will be translated into a bin file. This bin file will not have the specific address info that is in the hex file. Therefore these files are not the same. If you want to compare the read bin file from the EEPROM you can use the hex2bin command line tool and translate your generated hex file to bin.
Best regards, RvA
Note that the hex2bin tool is a stand alone program that is part of the smartsnippets distribution