Hi guys, I've been having endless trouble trying to use the Pro devkit for DA14531. Here's a digikey link to the exact device:
基本上,USB连接似乎非常不稳定。LED D4始终在PCB上闪烁,我可以听到USB连接和断开不断连接。
I suspect something is not soldered correctly on the board, or perhaps something is wrong with the on-board power supplies. The USB 5V supply is stable, but the other supplies seem very sketchy, especially the DA14531 buck supply, which is bouncing up and down around 100-200mV.
It doesn't help that the documentation for this dev board are extremely confusing - in fact I have found that many of the diagrams are simply wrong. Moreover different documents show different and contradictory connections for the same tasks. This is the main reason I was unsure for so long of whether the PCB was defective or not.
On one occasion where the USB worked for a while, I managed to get the Blinky code example running. Of course, this was after discovering that the tutorial diagram for 1-wire UART was incorrect, and I had to read the full schematics and figure out the correct wiring for myself.
On the small possibility thataccuratedocuments exist, could you point me towards them?
Happy new year and thanks for posting on our public BLE forums.
Could you let me know if followed theUM-B-117: DA14531 Getting Started with the Pro Development Kit (HTML)from our website? This tutorial is showing how to use the Pro-DK with our SDK example. Is the HW configuration correct?
So, the main problem is that the USB is connecting and disconnecting constantly? How did you verify it? For example, if you use theSmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.14 for Windows OS,DK连续断开?
PS : Changing the device selection from DA14581 to DA14531 in the initial post.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
I did indeed follow that guide.
USB稳定性是主要问题。每1-2秒,电路板上的D4 LED瞬间闪烁,我听到了我的电脑上的USB连接/断开声音。
无论我做什么(即再保险gardless of motherboard settings and regardless of the DA14531 module being plugged/unplugged), the USB simply refuses to start up properly. It doesn't matter if I have the software open or not. Occassionally, the USB would connect for no reason. For example, I left my computer for 5 minutes and at some point it just decided to connect. Then seconds later it disconnects again, without me doing anything.
I noticed suspicious things, like the USB would disconnect if I just waved my hand through the air nearby. To me, this indicates a solder joint failure (i.e. a floating input, which detects the electric field from my body). Visual inspection didn't find anything though.
鉴于DA14531与Blinky示例闪烁,预计D5 LED呈不断闪烁,因为这是该外围示例的功能。这并不意味着USB连接不稳定。根据6.0.14.1114 \ projects \ target_apps \ peripheral_examples \ blinky sdk示例,应用程序正在切换p0_9。该引脚I与D5 LED连接在Pro-DK上。请尝试擦除SPI闪光灯,然后您将看到LED停止闪烁。
After that, I would recommend to flash any of the SDK BLE examples\projects\target_apps\ble_examples.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
LED闪烁是D4 LED,根据您自己的原理图是USB指标。
——也许我抱歉的混乱mis-read it, that’s why I posted for the LED D5. Let me check this out and I’ll get back to you shortly.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
So I got a new replacement Devkit from Digikey, and the USB now works correctly. I am able to program Blinky with no issues using SPI Flash.
Now I am trying to do the next step for my project - loading the code onto an I2C EEPROM using the SmartSnippets Toolbox.
I am precisely following the instructions in AN-B-072 for the I2C setup.
Here's the log output from SmartSnippets Toolbox:
I push the button "SW1/RESET" when prompted but nothing happens, and after a few second it times out as shown in the log.
Hi cmarcus
这两个二进制文件都是由SDK的6.0.14.1114 \ flash_programmer项目。
.. \ smartsnippetstoolbox \ smartsnippetstoolbox5.0.14 \ common_resources \ supportpackages \ da1453x \ toolbox_resources \ common
In both cases, the SCL and SDA in the SST Board setup should be configured in P0_2 and P0_3.
Please let us know with the results.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
I have followed your instructions, and I am now able to press "Connect" and successfully load the firmware. Here's the log for that:
Next, I attempt to "Burn & Verify" the .bin file for the Blinky example:
I also tried to read the memory using "Read 32KB":
When reading your instructions, I assume this was a typo "In both cases, the SCL and SDA in the SST Board setup should be configured in P0_2 and P0_3.".
我主要尝试使用scl = p0_4和SDA = P0_3进行。当我用p0_2和p0_3尝试时,我得到了以下错误,我假设意味着不正确的接线:
So, what does error 00000001 mean?
I have again attached pics of my current setup.
I have noticed a suspicious point... sometimes when I do "Connect", I don't need to press the "SW1/RESET" button. It just instantly says "Reset detected". I wonder if this is a normal behavior?
I also tried swapping the SDA/SCL connections on the EEPROM breadboard, just in case I had them backwards. I got exactly the same error "00000001". So I guess this error is indicating a general I2C failure?
YES! I finally got it working!
So it turns out Ididneed to provide external pullups on SDA/SCL. According to the datasheet, DA14531 has internal 25k pullups but these were not strong enough. I put my own 3.9k pullups on the lines, and now everything works.
I have attached before/after pics from my oscilloscope for the I2C bus.
So, I have 1 final question. After doing "Burn & Verify", I had to unplug+replug the USB to get the DA14531 bootloader to run and load the program from the EEPROM. I would prefer not to replugging the USB all the time.
I did try pushing the SW1/RESET button after Burn&Verify and it didn't do anything (did not cause the bootloader to run).
您应该通过按SW1 / RESET按钮来重置PRO-DK。如果这不会重置芯片,请检查固件 - GPIO_DISABLE_HW_RESET()中是否禁用了HW复位功能。如果是,请发表评论。
Thanks, PM_Dialog