I suspected an hardware failure, as example codes doesn't work anymore. So I tried it on 2 other virgin - computers (computer without Keil uVision 5 installed), and it fails the same way, showing weird characters.
Does it mean my card is broken ?
I suspected an hardware failure, as example codes doesn't work anymore. So I tried it on 2 other virgin - computers (computer without Keil uVision 5 installed), and it fails the same way, showing weird characters.
Does it mean my card is broken ?
Hi There, there isn't enough information to diagnose.. can you describe what you see ? are you talking about development boards for example ? please share some more information about the set-up and problem.
BR JE_Dialog
是的,我买了提单uetooth Smart development kit - basic, in order to begin with bluetooth programming.
I was referring to the example code with the title : "DA1458x_SDK_3.0.6\peripheral_examples", following the steps in the User Manual B 25. At first, it worked fine (printing what it had to). It was 2 weeks ago. Suddenly, when trying my own code with some debug print, nothing appeared. So I studied the peripheral_examples and ran it again, but didn't work anymore. Printing these charactershttp://imgur.com/2D2WPPh
I remember it worked on the first try so I tried on another virgin computer (nothing installed for Bluetooth programming), also on a windows 7.
I Installed Keil uVision 5 exactly as shown in the UM B 25, and following the other steps to set-up the IDE. I finally got the same error (can be seen in the picture above). So I started to think that may be the problem isn't the computer; or the configuration of Keil uVision 5 but the DA 14580 board itself.
Hope, I provide every missing information you required. I'm still believing my card is broken though.
Hi there,
I couldn't see the pitcture unfortunately. Could you please upload again or tryKeil uVision 4?
BR, Morris
I uploaded it again somewhere else :http://s1.postimg.org/wdb61e9qn/display_not_clear.png
I will install uVision 4, do you advice it because it is more stable to work upon ?
Hello there,
I saw the picture and it looks like the device doesn't run the application properly. Could you please try proximity report project in Keil or use Smartsnippet to download firmware to RAM? Hopefully you can see advertise from your basic board
BR, Morris
I did both, the proximity reporter project didn't display anything, but there was no print in the app.c file, so I'm still not convinced whether it worked or not.
However, I also tried to use SmartSnippet to download the HEX file generated as output, when building a target. I faced an error message, one dll is missing, as you can see below :
Is it normal ?
It is not normal. Please read UM-B-025 carefully and follow the step one by one. otherwise, your basic board may have hardware failure.
BR, Morris
Hello, I finally realised the hardware is clear from failure, I succeed using SmartSnippets to download example codes of peripheral and central in order to communicate to a BLE device and it worked, according to the SmartSnippets User Guide (found in the folder DA14580_SmartSnippets_Help).
Nonetheless, thank you for having answered in some such short notice.