你好。以为我们之前的工作早期但未能在2个不同的Windows 10系统上使用修补程序修补最新的SDK。
1) From where can we download the patch.exe utility to perform this patching? Believe this tool is not native to Windows 10.
2)在一个Windows 10系统上,PC锁定或正在等待一些其他信息继续进行。在install.txt之后不起作用。
3)在另一个Windows 10系统上,PC报告无法找到patch.exe。
'patch' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Just caught my typo of missing out on the "<" pipe character. This will fix (I think) one of the PC but patch.exe is missing on another Windows 10 box. Is it a 3rd party tool?
patch -p1<
GnuWin download | SourceForge.net
but why would this detail be left out of the documentation? Or we missed it?
要么您可以从Web下载或使用包含Patch.exe文件的工具。例如,Git也包括这个SS Studio v2.0.12。
Thanks. Please review the details on our attached screen grab. Still not working for us.
1) Downloaded the patch.exe tool from here:
Patch for Windows (sourceforge.net)
2)丢弃了SDK文件夹中的上面的文件,并在install.txt后面 - 有一个新的弹出窗口为空白,对我们没有任何作用。
你能请注明如果你想运行the patch on the SDK6.0.14 or on the CodeLess ( as your previous forum posts ) ?
Downloaded SDK_6.0.14.1114.rar and attempting to patch with the SDK_6.0.14.1114_hotfix_001.rar file.
Please attempt to follow the procedure and let us know if it works for you. Using the latest patch.exe tool, our Win10 box just locks up when attempting to follow:
> patch -p1 </sdk.patch
Guessing now that we can just replace the sub-folders and have the "patched" SDK?
Thank you. We will try again shortly.
2)路径细节非常重要,可以实现这项工作。从我们对此补丁工具上无数小时的研究,-P1 =意味着应该跳过“\”之一。如果必须跳过-p2 =那么2 *“\”。最终,我们仍然没有这样做的是上周工作。patch.exe工具只会引发空弹出窗口,永远不会返回到DOS提示符。
Confident that the path depth has a relationship to this issue. Will attempt to follow your procedure again but will appreciate the link for the patch.exe tool. We are using one that was compiled in 2007 and it may not be compatible with Windows 10.
还是行不通。是你的patch.exe the same filesize of 112,128 bytes?
我想我们可能会接近having a winning lottery ticket here. The root cause is the depth of the SOURCE and TARGET folders. Will download a fresh copy and test again and report the resolution.
At this time of writing, finally observing a bit of progress...
C:\ Users \ Kumar \ Downloads \> Patch -P1修补文件二进制文件/ da14531 / prod_test / prod_test_531.hex
Assertion failed: hunk, file ../patch-2.5.9-src/patch.c, line 354
请分享完整的详细信息of your patch.exe tool. Believe that is the last requirement to get this working. Still facing the above line 354 error.
好的。刚刚工作。这solution is far from simple and needs to be seriously documented so that the next developer does not wast 2+ weeks on this "simple" issue.
Here are the missing steps:
1) Download patch.exe from here:
Patch for Windows (sourceforge.net)
2007年的DateMamped文件在Windows 10上工作正常。
2) The path for the SDK and the path for the hotfix are critical to the operation of the patch.exe tool.
阅读在过去2周的val的狩猎ue after the -p flag denotes the # of forward slashes that must be skipped during the patch process. So -p1 matches the sub-folder structure of the OP (Dialog) but may not match yours / ours.
In my lab PC:
Extract the original SDK with only one level deep (to support the -p1):
这patch.exe tool should be present inside this one-level deep folder.
Directory of C:\Users\kumar\Downloads\
2020-12-01 11:41 AM
2020-12-01 11:41 AM
2020-11-24 10:42 AM
2020-12-01 11:48 AM
2020-12-01 12:10 PM
2007-05-14 06:19 PM 112,128 Patch.exe
2020-11-24 10:42 AM
2020-11-24 10:42 AM
2020-12-01 11:48 AM
2020-11-24 10:42 AM
2020-12-01 11:44 AM
2020-12-01 11:44 AM
2020-11-12 11:58 AM
2020-11-12 11:58 AM 699 DISCLAIMER.TXT
2020-11-12 11:58 AM
2020-11-12 11:58 AM 2,481 INSTALL.TXT
2020-11-12 11:58 AM 1,264 License.txt
2020-12-01 12:10 PM 352,941 sdk.patch
2020-11-12 11:58 AM
2020-11-12 11:58 AM
Next, enter the SDK folder using the command prompt in ADMIN mode. Right mouse-click and run the command mode with Administrative Rights.
Enter the SDK folder using the dos CD commands.
C:\ Users \ Kumar \ Downloads \> Patch -P1
C:\ Users \ Kumar \ Downloads \> Patch -P1修补文件二进制文件/ da14531 / prod_test / prod_test_531.hex
Assertion failed: hunk, file ../patch-2.5.9-src/patch.c, line 354
Using my black-belt in Google-fu, found this excellent thread and resolution here:
batch file - "Assertion failed" when using patch.exe of Git for Windows - Stack Overflow
Many thanks to the poster for the fix -langlauf.io!
这fix is to download notepad++ -> read in the Dialog sdk.patch source file -> Edit tab -> EOL conversion -> Windows format -> Save this patch file.
Run again:
C:\ Users \ Kumar \ Downloads \> Patch -P1修补文件二进制文件/ da14531 / prod_test / prod_test_531.hex
patching file binaries/da14531/prod_test/prod_test_531_UART_P00_P01.hex
patching file binaries/da14531/prod_test/prod_test_531_UART_P03.hex
修补文件二进制文件/ da14531 / prod_test / prod_test_531_uart_p05.hex
修补文件二进制文件/ da14585 / prod_test / prod_test_585.hex
修补文件二进制文件/ da14585 / prod_test / prod_test_585_uart_p04_p05.hex
修补文件二进制文件/ da14586 / prod_test / prod_test_586.hex
修补文件二进制文件/ da14586 / prod_test / prod_test_586_uart_p04_p05.hex
修补文件doc / licensing.txt
修补文件项目/ target_apps / prod_test / prod_test / keil_5 /未使用_531.txt
patching file projects/target_apps/prod_test/prod_test/Keil_5/unused_531_UART_P00_P01.txt
修补文件项目/ target_apps / prod_test / prod_test / keil_5 /未使用_531_uart_p03.txt
patching file projects/target_apps/prod_test/prod_test/Keil_5/unused_531_UART_P05.txt
patching file projects/target_apps/prod_test/prod_test/Keil_5/unused_585.txt
patching file projects/target_apps/prod_test/prod_test/Keil_5/unused_585_UART_P04_P05.txt
patching file projects/target_apps/prod_test/prod_test/Keil_5/unused_586.txt
patching file projects/target_apps/prod_test/prod_test/Keil_5/unused_586_UART_P04_P05.txt
patching file sdk/common_project_files/misc/da14531_symbols.lds
patching file sdk/common_project_files/misc/da14531_symbols.txt
修补文件sdk / common_project_files / misc / da1a585_symbols.lds
修补文件sdk / common_project_files / misc / da14585_symbols.txt
修补文件SDK / platform /包含/ sdk_version.h
修补文件实用程序/ flash_programmer / unused_jtag_531.txt
修补文件实用程序/ flash_programmer / unused_jtag_585.txt
patching file utilities/flash_programmer/unused_uart_531.txt
patching file utilities/flash_programmer/unused_uart_585.txt
修补文件实用程序/ efferic_bootloader /未使用_531.txt
修补文件实用程序/ secondard_bootloader /未使用_585.txt
patching file utilities/secondary_bootloader/unused_586.txt
After a week of issues for me this detailed list of instructions worked for me as well and Windows 10. Thanks for putting this together. Seems the hotfix patch.sdk may have issues that need addessing.