我们可以*请*获得标准构建系统来编译此内容?需要运行完整的IDES愚蠢只是为了编译运行下面的GCC Arm工具的东西。
我真的不在乎*你选择的建立系统。我更喜欢Meson,因为您有显式交叉文件,Visual Studio代码可以直接从Meson配置文件拾取路径。*但是*,我真的不在乎这一切 - 只要该示例具有纯文本形式的依赖路径,大多数人可以转换为<他们最喜欢的构建系统>和<他们的首选IDE>。
Hi andrewl,
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Sorry, don't know how I missed that tag. I'm actually using the DA14531.
I had to back up to SDK6.0.12 to pick up some of the missing files.
Hi andrewl,
The pxp_reporter example of the SDK6.0.14. expect from the Keil includes both IAR and Eclipse projects.
>>> SDK6.0.14中有几个路径问题和一些丢失的文件如果您有一些从命令行运行的持续集成,则会被捕获。
Can you please indicate the path issues and what files are missing that was included in SDK6.0.12?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
感谢上帝。我以为我是the only one. Why chip manufacturers always choose to "make life easy" with fancy IDEs but always manage to achieve the oposite is beyond me.
我正在努力用make / gcc编译示例项目。对于我的申请,这是一个要求。它确定天气对话框是一个可行的选择作为我们的开发平台。有一些原因。连续整合安德鲁。能够使用从命令行运行的工具构建管道。构建工具的可用性(GCC和Make可以安装在任何可爱的系统上)。减少项目代码的依赖的数量,而是构建系统本身。
到目前为止,我已经能够编译大容量存储设备示例和armemetal blinky示例。
You must use the -include or -imacros gcc flag to force include custom_config_qspi.h. This is ugly (my personal opinion) because this dependancie is not reflected well in the code. better would be to use a compiler flag to choose between qspi and ram. You can use #error to give some output when the flag is not defined, and the developer can read the code and be made aware of the possible options.
msc的例子要求您修改sdk files (as indicated by the documentation)... This is also not so nice, since it means neither the sdk nor the example will compile out of the box. A huge turn off. There is nothing worse than examples that don't compile... except maybe examples that rely on precompiled closed source binaries ;).
说到哪个,libble_stack_da1469x.a has an undefined symbol for crypto_init. However I cannot find any code that defines it. Where is it defined?这似乎是让BLE示例链接/编译的最后一个丢失的部分。请告诉我我可以提供的附加信息。
你不是一个人。像我们这样的C伙伴试图使用我们的标准“Entrpise /桌面”(阅读:*专业*)开发工具并不是很好的组织,所以感觉就像没有人在那里。
如果我是一个无情的触摸,那么对话工具就足够痛苦,以至于它吓到了人们。我们不会在对话框中开发任何东西 - 我们只会在更友好的BLE系统上进行调试的东西。
但是,请查看生锈嵌入的家伙。他们一直在铺设一个*很多基础,试图在嵌入式中使用锈,并且包括很多基础工作,使得Cortex-M以及RISC-v都更好地运行基本C.当耦合到Visual Studio代码时,我已经大量使用了他们的东西。
对话框对我来说尤为痛苦,因为我将命令行转换为像DA14531这样的筹码,因为它的BLE堆栈呼叫ROM。这不是一个典型的事情,所以标准的Cortex-M命令行工具,调试器和示例实际上没有设置。这也会导致相当奇怪的代码组织,因为必须*基于回调。我还没有蒸馏到命令行的东西(阅读:meson / ninja)。
The whole IDE thing is particularly annoying to me as practically the only reason I use something like Keil or Eclipse is to run the debugger. As code editors/navigators, they're *terrible* environments.
If you get the command line working, Maximilian, do us all a favor and upload it to something like Github, if you can so we can all beat on it. That would be much appreciated.