Hi. Thought we had this working earlier but failing to patch the latest SDK with the hotfix on 2 different Windows 10 systems.
1)从哪里可以下载patch.exe实用程序来执行此修补程序?相信此工具不是Windows 10的原生。
2) On one Windows 10 system, the PC locks or is waiting on some additional information to proceed. Following the install.txt is not working.
3) On another Windows 10 system, the PC reports that the patch.exe cannot be found.
刚刚在“<”管道字符上抓住了我错了。这将修复(我认为)一个PC,但另一个Windows 10框缺少Patch.exe。这是第三方工具吗?
I think the patch.exe tool is from here:
Hi mom2,
Either you can download it from the web or use a tool that includes the patch.exe file. For example, GIT includes this one the SS Studio v2.0.12 as well.
After that, just run the command as described in the INSTALL.TXT with the full path of the patch.exe
Thanks, PM_Dialog
This link should be documented in the related docs on this website.
2) Dropped the above file inside the SDK folder and in following the INSTALL.TXT - there is a new pop-up window that is blank and does nothing for us.
3) This is the 3rd day we are investing into what should have been a 2 minute to fix the bugs inside the SDK. The patch from earlier this year was simple to follow. Not sure why it is a bit of a cloak and dagger approach to the missing documentation. An improvement would have been concise docs with full details on how to apply this patch. Or better yet, why not post a fully patched SDK? That to us, would have been much more friendly. We are borderline in switching to a different vendor over these issues.
Hi mom2,
Could you please indicate if you are trying to run the patch on the SDK6.0.14 or on the CodeLess ( as your previous forum posts ) ?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
> patch -p1 < /sdk.patch
The INSTALL.TXT lists a patch method and then at the bottom of this txt file, notes to replace sub-folders inside the SDK.
So does this mean that we have a choice of either patch method OR to replace the sub-folders?
Hi mom2,
Thanks, PM_Dialog
1) From where exactly did you download the patch.exe tool? We wish to use the same tool.
2) The path details are very important to get this to work. From our researching of countless hours on this patch tool, the -p1 = means that one of the "\" should be skipped. Respectively if -p2 = then 2 * "\" must be skipped. In the end, we still did not get this to work as of last week. The patch.exe tool would just raise an empty pop-up and never return back to the dos prompt.
确信路径深度与这个问题有关系。将尝试再次遵循您的过程,但将欣赏Patch.exe工具的链接。我们正在使用2007年编译的那个,它可能与Windows 10可能不兼容。
C:\ Users \ Kumar \ Downloads \>补丁-P1< C:\Users\kumar\Downloads\SDK_6.0.14.1114_hotfix_001\sdk.patch
补丁文件二进制文件/ da14531/prod_test/prod_test_531.hex
断言失败:hunk,file ../patch-2.5.9-src/patch.c,第354行
Hi mom2,
I am using the patch.exe file which is within the GIT installation. Could you please check this ?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
The 2007 datestamped file works fine on Windows 10.
在过去的2周内读取-P标志后的值表示在补丁过程中必须跳过的正斜杠#。因此 - P1匹配OP(对话框)的子文件夹结构,但可能与您的/我们的匹配。
C:\ Users \ Kumar \ Downloads \>
C:\ Users \ Kumar \ Downloads的目录\
2020-12-01 11:41 AM
2020-12-01 11:41 AM
2020-11-24 10:42 AM
2020-12-01 11:48 AM
2020-12-01 12:10 PM
2007-05-14 06:19 PM 112,128 patch.exe
2020-11-24 10:42 AM
2020-11-24 10:42 AM
2020-12-01 11:48 AM
2020-11-24 10:42 AM
1 File(s) 112,128 bytes
Next, the hot-fix folder structure:
C:\ Users \ Kumar \ Downloads \ SDK_6.0.14.1114_HOTFIX_001>
2020-12-01 11:44 AM
2020-12-01 11:44 AM
2020-11-12 11:58 AM
2020-11-12 11:58 AM 699 AccoveAmmer.txt
2020-11-12 11:58 AM
2020-11-12 11:58 AM 2,481 install.txt
2020-11-12 11:58 AM 1,264 LICENSE.TXT
2020-12-01 12:10 PM 352,941 SDK.PATCH
2020-11-12 11:58 AM
2020-11-12 11:58 AM
使用DOS CD命令输入SDK文件夹。
Run as follows:
C:\ Users \ Kumar \ Downloads \>补丁-P1< C:\Users\kumar\Downloads\SDK_6.0.14.1114_hotfix_001\sdk.patch
Results in:
C:\ Users \ Kumar \ Downloads \>补丁-P1< C:\Users\kumar\Downloads\SDK_6.0.14.1114_hotfix_001\sdk.patch
补丁文件二进制文件/ da14531/prod_test/prod_test_531.hex
断言失败:hunk,file ../patch-2.5.9-src/patch.c,第354行
使用Git的Patch.exe for Windows - 堆栈溢出时批量文件 - “断言失败”
非常感谢修复的海报 -langlauf.io.!!
此修复程序是下载Notepad ++ - >在对话框SDK.Patch源文件中读取 - >编辑选项卡 - > EOL转换 - > Windows格式 - >保存此修补程序文件。
C:\ Users \ Kumar \ Downloads \>补丁-P1< C:\Users\kumar\Downloads\SDK_6.0.14.1114_hotfix_001\sdk.patch
补丁文件二进制文件/ da14531/prod_test/prod_test_531.hex
修补文件二进制文件/ da14531 / prod_test / prod_test_531_uart_p00_p01.hex
修补文件二进制文件/ da14531 / prod_test / prod_test_531_uart_p03.hex
补丁文件二进制文件/ da14531/prod_test/prod_test_531_UART_P05.hex
补丁文件二进制文件/ da14585/prod_test/prod_test_585.hex
补丁文件二进制文件/ da14585/prod_test/prod_test_585_UART_P04_P05.hex
补丁文件二进制文件/ da14586/prod_test/prod_test_586.hex
补丁文件二进制文件/ da14586/prod_test/prod_test_586_UART_P04_P05.hex
patching file doc/licensing.txt
patching file projects/target_apps/prod_test/prod_test/Keil_5/unused_531.txt
修补文件项目/ target_apps / prod_test / prod_test / keil_5 /未使用_531_uart_p00_p01.txt
patching file projects/target_apps/prod_test/prod_test/Keil_5/unused_531_UART_P03.txt
修补文件项目/ target_apps / prod_test / prod_test / keil_5 /未使用_531_uart_p05.txt
修补文件项目/ target_apps / prod_test / prod_test / keil_5 /未使用_585.txt
修补文件项目/ target_apps / prod_test / prod_test / keil_5 /未使用_585_uart_p04_p05.txt
修补文件项目/ target_apps / prod_test / prod_test / keil_5 /未使用_586.txt
修补文件项目/ target_apps / prod_test / prod_test / keil_5 /未使用_586_uart_p04_p05.txt
修补文件sdk / common_project_files / misc / da1a531_symbols.lds
修补文件sdk / common_project_files / misc / da1a531_symbols.txt
patching file sdk/common_project_files/misc/da14585_symbols.lds
patching file sdk/common_project_files/misc/da14585_symbols.txt
patching file sdk/platform/include/sdk_version.h
patching file utilities/flash_programmer/unused_jtag_531.txt
patching file utilities/flash_programmer/unused_jtag_585.txt
修补文件实用程序/ flash_programmer /未使用_uart_531.txt
修补文件实用程序/ flash_programmer /未使用_uart_585.txt
patching file utilities/secondary_bootloader/unused_531.txt
patching file utilities/secondary_bootloader/unused_585.txt
修补文件实用程序/ efferic_bootloader /未使用_586.txt
Will go and purchase a lottery ticket now...
Hi mom2,
Glad that you are able to run the patch and thanks for the indication.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
经过一周的问题,对我来说,这个详细的说明清单也为我和Windows 10工作了。感谢将此放在一起。似乎修补程序patch.sdk可能有需要加入的问题。