Hi. Thanks for the continued support on the use of this neat module. We are close to customizing the use of this product in our first design.
We appear to be able to remap the SPI port pins to our external device using the AT+IOCFG commands with the exception of P0_6.
The module datasheet, figure 11 shows that P0_6 as one of the recommended port pins for custom SPI use as the SPI_SCK function.
Is there a work around to allow us to make use of P0_6? In a pinch, we will not use this port pin.
无代码DA14531 v_6.380.12.6
00 00 00 00 00 12 11 00 00 00 00 00
EC12: Invalid gpio function requested
Hi mom2,
Please check user_periph_setup.h. The P05 and P06 are used for the UART RX and Tx accordingly. You will need to remap that pins to other gpios and rebuild the project. However, the P06 is a GPIO – it is not detected as SPI pin, so you could you the SPI_CLK to another available GPIO. Figure 11 from the datasheet is just an example.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Makes sense (now) :) Will do as you recommended. We have enough free pins to proceed with live hardware. Thanks again.
Hi mom2,
Thanks for accepting my answer – if you have any follow up question please create a new forum thread.
Thanks, PM_Dialog