SmartSnippets UART painfully slow

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Last seen:2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined:2017-12-22 10:09
SmartSnippets UART painfully slow

Dear Dialog Support,

I often have to use UART to programm our DA14585. I use the CIB from the DA14583 IOT sensor and at the moment Smart Snippets 5.0.12.

When I program a new binary file, I click "burn and verify", and the procedure is as follows:

  • Started erasing from 0x00 to 0x83FFF (132 sectors)
  • Reading memory to verify its contents after erase...
    Verification succeeded.
  • Check if memory empty...
    Memory empty. Procceed with burn.
  • Started burning memory with 539520 bytes of data at address 0x00.
  • Reading memory to refresh table contents....
    SPI memory verification succeeded.

It looks to me like the programmer has just combined the function calls for "Erase" and "Burn" - since the "Erase" procedure finishes with verifying the empty flash, and then the "Burn" procedure starts again with verifying the empty flash. So, unnecessarily, this is done twice.

My colleague and I are begging you on our knees to fix this. This drains the life out of us!
On top of that, if I may humbly state another request: Why is the verification not optional? We never encountered a failed verification, so we would like to skip this in the process.

我希望你听到我们的祷告!: -)

Thank you,


Last seen:6 hours 4 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi gme_johannes,

Hi gme_johannes,

You could “Erase” and then “Burn” the SPI Flash. According toUM-B-083 SmartSnippets Toolbox User Manual (HTML):

Burn: Data is written starting at the selected offset. Please note that before downloading data to the SPI Flash, the firmware erases the appropriate 4KB sectors in the area that the data is about to be written.

Burn & Verify: Adds a verification step after the burn process. After burning data to SPI Flash memory, it is verified that the contents of the memory are the same with the contents of the file that has been burned.

If you would like to accelerate the procedure, you could use JTAG instead of UART.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined:2017-12-22 10:09
Hi PM_Dialog,

Hi PM_Dialog,

in some instances we cannot use JTAG.

I think you possibly misread my question. I am not talking about the verification of the flash AFTER it is written to - I understand that I can choose not to do this when using "Burn" instead of "Burn and verify". What I am complaining about is that the flash being empty is verified TWICE - once at the end of Erase, once at the beginning of Burn.



Last seen:2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined:2017-12-22 10:09
Hi PM_Dialog,

Hi PM_Dialog,

were you able to verify that SmartSnippets Toolbox is verifying the empty flash twice?



Last seen:6 hours 4 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi gme_johannes,

Hi gme_johannes,

Apologies for the delay. Probably you might check it withSmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.14 for Windows OSwhich is the latest version. Can you please provide the steps should be done in order to replicate this? Are you "burn and verify" and the flash is empty? Additionally, would it be possible to provide the log file from the SmartSnippets Toolbox, so that Io can escalate it internally?

Thanks, PM_Dialog