Diar Dialog,
When using hw_cpm_delay_usec(1000*1000) will trigger watchdog.
Can you give me some advice:
How to set the watchdog's trigger time a little longer?
此外,尽管监管机构是三ggered, the DA14683:device did not restart successfully.
Hi xuguodong,
Please section 30 Watchdog Timer from the datasheet. The timer value can be accessed through the WATCHDOG_REG[WDOG_VAL] register.
In the SDK, the dg_configWDOG_RESET_VALUE is the macro that holds the reset value for Watchdog. In case you want to change it, you should define that macro in your custom_config_X_.h (X: wspi or ram) file and set the new reset value.
Thanks, PM_Dialog