我读取了AN-B-001“从串行接口启动”,并看到引导引脚分配(步骤1 / SPI Master)为P0_0 / SCK,P0_3 / CS,P0_5 / MOSI和P0_6 / MISO。这似乎足够明显,但我在DA14586数据表中阅读的东西让我困惑。Datasheet说:“在引导顺序期间,端口P2的四个SPI引脚用于访问内部闪存”(P2_0 / CLK,P2_3 / EN,P2_4 / DO,P2_9 / DI)。这听起来有点像我一样。数据表是否告诉我有关不同的功能?
Once I've booted the DA14586 using the serial interface I'd like to control the DA14586 using the same SPI interface. Is that possible?
586附带嵌入式闪存,OTP报头被预编程,以便使用OTP标题中的“引导特定映射”字段从嵌入式闪存的引脚启动。AN-B-001文档涉及580/581/583系列,启动程序是相同的,但不完全相同,嵌入式闪光灯附带的586不遵循与583相同的架构(也是配有嵌入式闪光灯)。因此,在585/586案例中,在附录G中的文档UM-B-079 DA14585_586 SDK 6软件平台参考文档中介绍了引导过程。因此,究竟究竟是如何从内部闪存中触摸启动(如OTP标题中的适当字段指示)在未从内部闪存中启动后,它将开始执行UART序列,因为它在附录31中描述并继续其余引导协议。启动FW后,您可以根据需要使用引脚。
Thanks MT_dialog
谢谢你的回应。我仍然不知道阿布t the pin assignments, though. Appendix G of the UM-B-079 DA14585_586 SDK 6 Software Platform Reference lists P0_0/SCK, P0_3/CS, P0_6/MISO, and P0_5/MOSI for the Step A boot process. I also noticed the same pinout designated on Table 21 of the DA14586 datasheet. However, I on Table 1 Pin Description (p. 19 of DA14586 datasheet) it shows P2_0/SPI_CLK, P2_3/SPI_EN, P2_4/SPI_DO, and P2_9/SPI_DI and has a comment "Note: During the boot sequence, the four SPI pins of port P2 are used to access the internal Flash memory. Therefore these pins shall not be remapped or used for any other purpose.". That is the part that confused me. I'd like to be sure I haven't misread the documentation and assign the wrong pins before I commit to a board design.
Thanks MT_dialog
which serial boot pinout?
I think I understand your last comment, but I'd like to be certain before I order a prototype board.
I'm looking for the specific pinout for serial booting for the DA14586. Is it P0_0/SCK, P0_3/CS, P0_6/MISO, and P0_5/MOSI (Table 21, p. 45 of datasheet) or is it P2_0/SPI_CLK, P2_3/SPI_EN, P2_4/SPI_DO, and P2_9/SPI_DI (Table 1 p. 19 of datasheet)? The datasheet seems to contradict itself.
(从表1,p.19:“注意:在引导序列期间,端口P2的四个SPI引脚用于访问内部闪存。因此,这些引脚不得重新映射或用于任何其他目的。”)这意味着P2 SPI引脚用于DA14586上的串行引导?
如上所述,586使用与585相同的引导加载程序,因此引导加载程序过程完全相同,但由于586具有嵌入式闪存,因此OTP标题字段引导特定映射从出厂刻录,以便首先从P2_0启动/ spi_clk,p2_3 / spi_en,p2_4 / spi_do和p2_9 / spi_di,如果失败,它将转到并执行标准引导加载程序过程。我承建了数据表有点令人困惑,因为它描述了标准序列,而不是烧毁的OTP字段的586选项,将与数据表的作者一起检查。
Yes, that is what i ve been mentioning throughout the post.
Thanks MT_dialog
Thank you very much for your help.
I am using DA14586 with internal flash . And one of my sensor is connect to da14586 through spi interface as this P0_0/SCK, P0_3/CS, P0_6/MISO, and P0_5/MOSI.
I am configuring these spi pins like this GPIO_ConfigurePin(GPIO_PORT_0, GPIO_PIN_3, OUTPUT, PID_SPI_EN, true);
#if 1
ARCH_PUTS(“测试1 \ n \ r”);
#if 1
arch_puts("test 2 \n\r");
#if 1
arch_puts("test 3 \n\r");
GPIO_ConfigurePin(GPIO_PORT_0, GPIO_PIN_5, INPUT, PID_SPI_DI, false);
Jasmeet Singh
嗨Jasmeet Singh,
Is there any specific reason why you are using that GPIO for the sensor? Did you try to connect it in any other GPIOs?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
In page number 45 TABLE no. 21 of datasheet (DA14586). They have given Peripheral Pin Mapping for spi master that is the reason we are using these gpios as spi lines for our sensor.
no we did not try with other gpios.
Jasmeet Singh
嗨Jasmeet Singh,
This is the booting sequence as the BootROM checks specific GPIOs in order to boot from different serial devices. In general, you can use any GPIO as SPI - you will need to configure it in your firmware too. In the meanwhile, could you please probe the SPI signal with a logic analyzer tool and share a capture?
Thanks, PM_Dialog