I have a configuration with device SLG46620V that returns a frequency value depending on the value of an ADC. I would like to know if the reverse configuration is possible, that is, obtain a digital value from a frequency input.
Device Number:
Thanks for your question
I believe it's possible, dependently on the input frequency range. There a few theoretical ways to do it:
1. Convert the input frequency to voltage using SPI buffer, then apply this voltage to ADC and get the serial data. Note SPI buffer works properly only in SLG46140.
2. Use the SPI block, which takes the data from CNT/FSM. This counter will store the data which is proportional to the input frequency
3. Use IC with I2C on board to read the data from CNT block, where the data will proportional input frequency
Best regards,
Oleh Sapiha
Thanks It sounds good. Could see some example using debugin controls with SLG46140?
Thank you again
You can look through the application note, where a very similar approach has been used, please see the links:
//www.wsdof.com/an-cm-271- SPI buffer was used
//www.wsdof.com/an-cm-286- FSM data is sent via the serial output
So you can combine them and create your own functionality. Hope these links will help you to start.
Please let me know if you have some other questions
Best regards,
Oleh Sapiha
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