I have written a program based on the ble_central project, which finds BLE devices with a special name or MAC address.
If a device is found, I connect to it and then I write into a characteristic.
Every time I try to write to the peripheral, the status is 3 (ATT_ERROR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED) at the Write-Completed-Event.
When I try to do it with my mobile phone via nRF Connect App, I can read and write without any problems.
Tried out as a peripheral a Raspberry Pi, my mobile phone and also a Dialog 14680.
Every time the status is 3.
printf("start write\r\n"); uint16_t * mtu = 0; ble_gattc_get_mtu(evt->conn_idx, mtu); printf("MTU Rate: %u\r\n", *mtu); uint8_t test = 0x00; printf("uuid: %s\r\n",format_uuid(&charact[0].uuid)); printf("write\r\n"); ble_gattc_write(evt->conn_idx, charact[0].handle ,false , sizeof(test) ,&test);
charact[0] contains the handler from the Characteristic.
Many thanks for the effort in advance.
Hi hdr,
Thanks for your question on our public BLE forums. Could you please indicate what is the peripheral? Is another DA14682?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
I used a Raspberry Pi with PyBluez as peripheral, my mobile phone with the above mentioned app and a Dialog 14680. I'm now trying a DA 14682 as I can't access the 14680 because the device is potted.
HI hdr
i have same request
can you tell me what is Write-Completed-Event and how to use??
如果我明白的话correctly, the Write_Completed_Event is called when I call a ble_gattc_write and it has been executed. In the event I get back the conn_idx, the handler and a status code. In my case the status code is 3, which stands for ATT_ERROR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED.
To describe how to use the event, I would refer to the ble_central example project.
HI hdr
i also use ble_gattc_write and i add Write_Completed_Event to app_task.c as below , Is this right when ble_gattc_write Completed??
静态常量结构ke\u msg\u处理程序app\u gap\u进程\u处理程序[]=
{GAPM_DEVICE_READY_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)gapm_device_ready_ind_handler},
{GAPM_CMP_EVT, (ke_msg_func_t)gapm_cmp_evt_handler},
{GAPC_CMP_EVT, (ke_msg_func_t)gapc_cmp_evt_handler},
{GAPC_CONNECTION_REQ_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)gapc_connection_req_ind_handler},
{GAPC_DISCONNECT_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)gapc_disconnect_ind_handler},
{GAPC_GET_DEV_INFO_REQ_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)gapc_get_dev_info_req_ind_handler},
{GAPC_SET_DEV_INFO_REQ_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)gapc_set_dev_info_req_ind_handler},
{GAPM_PROFILE_ADDED_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)gapm_profile_added_ind_handler},
{GAPM\u ADV\u REPORT\u IND,(ke\u msg\u func\t)GAPM\u ADV\u REPORT\u IND\u handler},
{GAPC_LE_PKT_SIZE_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)gapc_le_pkt_size_ind_handler},
{GAPC\u CON\u RSSI\u IND,(ke\u msg\u func\u t)GAPC\u get\u CON\u RSSI\u IND\u handler},//Alex Add 20191030
{GATTC_READ_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)app_read_ind_handler}, //alex test 2020 0710
{GATTC_SDP_SVC_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)app_disc_all_svc }, //alex test 2020 0710
{GATTC\u CMP\u EVT,(ke\u msg\u func\t)alex\u GATTC\u CMP\u EVT\u handler},//alex test 2020 0716
//{GAPC_PEER_ATT_INFO_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)app_read_dev_ver_ind_handler}, //alex test 2020 0710
{GAPC_SECURITY_IND, (ke_msg_func_t)gapc_security_ind_handler},
Hi hdr,
Could you please check if the characteristic ( in the Peripheral side ) has write permission? If yes, then I would suggest to double check if the Central (DA14682) writes to the correct handler (charact[0].handle).
此外,这将是非常有用的BLE sniffer log, so that we can understand what is happening over the air.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Here is my Code from the Dialog 14682 Peripheral(same result status is 3):
With my mobile phone I can write in the characteristic.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi hdr,
Thansk fro gettign back. Could you please provide a BLE sniffer capture/
Thanks, PM_Dialog
We will continue to search for the error and contact you if we find any new information.
Hi hdr,
Yes please, any further input would be very helpful.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Thanks very much for the help. I found my mistake.
我的把柄确实错了。我应该把evt->value\u handle分配给handle\u evt\u gattc\u discover\u char方法中的句柄。
Thank you very much
Hi hdr,
Glad that you figured this out and thanks for your indication.
Thanks, PM_Dialog