我使用定制的博ard on chip DA14682. My board use USB only for charge lion battery, USB line D+ and D- not used.
Charging via 5v adapter. In this case, the charging current is not more than 90 mA. Is it possible to increase the charge current in this case?
Hi Denis,
Thanks for your question. You can have charging current more than 90mA, but a modification should be done. You should comment out the lines 1320 -1328 from the sys_charger.c file. You can find it under DA1468x_DA15xxx_SDK_1.0.14.1081\sdk\bsp\system\sys_man SDK path. However, please keep in mind that if the charging current is more than 100mA, then it won’t be USB compatible and it is possible the USB host to disable the power on the specific port.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi, team!
Is OK, it is works.
there is one but, check the file.
Hi Denis,
I don’t see any problem – this depend on the battery and the duration of constant current is not standard. It depends also in the charging current. If the battery is getting charged faster, then the constant current duration will be lower. Additionally, it depends on the battery. For example, an empty and a half changed battery will have different duration of the constant current.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Good day!
Ok, so be it.
How to make the constant current phase last up to the set voltage threshold, as is usually done in chargers?
Hi Denis,
As mentioned before the constant current phase depends on couple of factors. Could you please share the four main phases of operation, depending on the battery voltage that you are getting in your side?
Please check out the following application note :
Thanks, PM_Dialog