In table 20 of theda14585_datasheetSCL and SDA pins are specified,However, various pins are used in the instance program;
- Can I2C pin be used freely?
- If I use I2C, what pins can I use?
I hope you can help me.
I2C SCL P0_0 P0_2 P0_4 P0_6
SDA P0_1 P0_3 P0_5 P0_7
Hi yekun,
Can you please clarify what you are trying to accomplish? Do you want to connect a peripheral interface via i2C, or boor from EEPROM over I2C?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
我想利用IICto read the hygrometer sensor;However, in the example program I2C_Accel_Data_Notiifcation, Dialog USES P1_2 with P1_0 as the IIC pin.But in the example program McP9808, P1_2,P0_7;If I use IIC to read peripherals, which set of IIC pins should I select and what other set of IIC pins can I choose?
Hi yekun,
In datasheet, in figure 20, the booting sequence is described. You can use any of the GPIOs for I2C. All you need to do is to configure the GPIOs correctly in user_periph_setup.h / .c files.
Thanks, PM_Dialog