I know that it is possible to change the counter data in CNT2, but, Is it possible to change the width pulse from CNT2. If it is possible, what is the possible range?
I attched image.
Device Number:
Dear danmalper1,
Thanks for your question!
Yes, Counter pulse width equals one period of the input clock. So, by changing the clock frequency, which is applied to CNT's clock input, you can change the pulse width. It doesn't seem to have any limitation, the range depends on the frequency range.
Best regards,
Oleh Sapiha
Dear Oleh
So, I must to change clk? attached image.
But If I want to change the width pulse keepeng the same clk? Is it possible?
Thank you
Dear danmalper1,
Yes, if you want to change the counter output width, you must change the CLK. Please see the attached file, I hope it will help you to understand how the counter works.
Best regards,
Oleh Sapiha
Thank you
最后一个问题that. What is the difference if data in come from DATA IN, not from RESET IN?,
Thank you
Last question abot that, what should be the difference if input com from DATAIN not from RESETIN, see attacged image.
When you use DATAIN and take FSM data from ADC, it means that counter data sourced from the parallel data from the ADC
RESET IN resets the Counter when it has a valid edge. SET IN would load the counter/FSM data from a source when it has a valid edge. The edge is determined by the Edge select parameter and is valid in Counter Mode only. The initial output after reset is High for the duration of one clock cycle.
Best regards,
Oleh Sapiha