Placing GUI elements (info, error, ask etc.) at absolute position (0,0) can put them in areas where they are hard to find or even inaccessible.
如考虑到屏幕layout pointed out in the attached pdf, 1st screenshot: the area above LVDS-0 in the top left corner is not displayed on any monitor.
Apparently, the idea behind placing all these windows at (0,0) is to work around window placement strategies that might place new Tk windows anywhere on the screen where they also might be hard to find. However, for that purpose, it's much better to place them close to the current mouse pointer position where the user is likely to be aware of them (e.g. root.geometry('+{}+{}'.format(root.winfo_pointerx(), root.winfo_pointery())) would do that).
Also forcing a fixed window size can be a nuisance. For GUI elements that are useful in the size they already are, users usually won't attempt resizing them anyway (so no need to force them being not resizable). However, consider lengthy error messages like shown in the second figure of the attached PDF: Forcing the window to not be resizable is a nuisance here, even the scrollbar is only of little help. If the windows is (kept) resizable, the user could instead make it wide enough to see the full message without scrolling.
First of all many thanks for your question on our public BLE forums. However, we’ve taken this offline from the forum. We’ve escalated internally to the Team, so we’ll reach out to you directly.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Dear PM_Dialog,
is this the right way how to ask for improvements or shall I address them in a different way?
Thank you for the immediate feedback.
Hi sklipphahn,
Thank you for your proposals regarding the tools. We will check if this is possible to be in the next Tools release.
If you are working with a Dialog FAE, then it is preferred to discuss with the FAE the improvements and he will forward them accordingly in Dialog organization. If you are not in contact with an FAE it is OK to ask for the improvements through the forum.
Thanks, PM_Dialog