Dear Dialog guys, first off thank you for making a really nice chip like the DA14531. Looks great, and I'm interested in using that in several high-volume projects right away.
I've read through I think all available documentation including the DA14531 Hardware Guidelines AN-B-075. This is good, but do you have the CAD files / Gerbers / etc for the designs shown in there? That would save a lot of time over trying to reproduce the same design from scratch.
How about providing the Gerbers for the DA14531 dev kits?
It would be really nice to have at least one example of a complete layout for the DA14531 which both guaranteed passes FCC testing, and doesn't require any difficult board specs like microvias or 3 mil trace/space.
I think this isn't just me, most folks who are interested in designing boards with this chip right now would really appreciate this. I'm sure layout examples would speed up getting this chip on more boards. Nothing like reusing a known-good design :)
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your question,
You can find the needed Files in the DA14531 Pro dev kit product page://
Please let me know if it helps,
Hello - Thank you, this is very useful, although it is of course not a minimal layout. I would recommend you link to a simplified version under "Development Kits and Reference Designs" on the chip page since I had trouble finding this. Perhaps something like the "Minimal System PCB Layout for FCQFN24" from AN-B-075.
Best regards,
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your suggestion, we'll evaluate that.