I'm tring to hook "read" for GATT custom service (using ble_app_peripheral example)
it seems as read doesn't stop in breakpoint located in these functions.
- gattc_read_req_ind_handler
- gattc_att_info_req_ind_handler
- custs1_att_info_rsp_handler
Please advise how to hook "read" data path
Hi Roie DAHAN,
In the SDK6.0.10, the custs1 profile doesn't send a message towards the application level in order to indicate that the characteristic is read by a central device. However, you can apply the RI option in the database definition in the user_custs1_def.c file. For example, please use the below code snippet in order to activate this feature for the custom characteristics that you would like to get an indication when read:
By doing that you will get the gattc_read_req_ind_handler() function to execute as soon as a central tries to read a ADC characteristic.
Thanks, PM_Dialog