HI Dialog Team ,
A custom board is made using DA14580-01 ,where the application boots from an external SPI flash. The smart snippet is used to load the custom application hex file to the SPI flash.Once the Spi flash is erased(empty) the jlink debugger detects the Da14580 and connects in the smartsnippet stating "Successfully downloaded firmware file to the board." after which the application hex can be burnt.
After reset the SPI flash boots and the application executes ,Da14580 is advertising. Once again when i try to connect the board in the smartsnippet (now SPI Flash is not empty) it logs "Failed downloading firmware file to the board." . So i have to press reset continuosly such that it should sync with connect button (ie. jlink should detect the arm core of dialog before SPI boots the application ).This doesnt seem to occur while flashing the proximity reporter_fh hex.It occurs only in the custom application.The application is made using template_fh such that it should advertise some constant values in the advertising packets.
So is there any preconfiguration to be done in template_fh to overcome this issue ?
Hi Hrg,
Smartsnippet must detect specific packet from UART TX after reset and start to download firmware or program flash etc afterwards. The action above should be executed before DA14580 access the external flash. So I don't think it is related to the application stored in the flash. More information in AN-B-001.
Could you please confirm what interface is used in smartsnippet?
Hi MH_Dialog
The custom board is connected to smartsnippet using Jlink lite (Jtag- SWDIO SWDCLK). But when SPI FLash is empty it easy detects and connects. In case of the application it directly boots to the application.
It can be a timing issue. The Jlink is running a loop where it tries to connect. This allows the DA14580 to proceed to the Flash loading process. To confirm that this is the issue, could you somehow disrupt the SPI interface to the Flash?
Hi MHv_dialog
The spi interface is hardwired so it is not possible to disrupt the flash from SPI interface.SO everytime keil ->flashconfiguration->debug jtag is scanned in order to detect the arm core ,& once it is detected smart snippet is used in order to connect to the flash .But in case if Eval board is interface the flash programmer in smartsnippet gives us some period to press reset !
You may be able to use a little trick. If you press andholdreset, press "connect" in SmartSnippets, then let go of the reset button.
Yeah the trick is working .but is there any standard way or procedure of connecting to the BLE apart from this .It feels difficult for other programmers in following this procedure ! HJow to achieve the "Press reset " statement in smartsnippet while using the Eval board in interfacing our custom board ?
"How to achieve the "Press reset " statement in smartsnippet while using the Eval board in interfacing our custom board ?" Can you explain your setup, I didn't quite understand this?
HI MHv_Dilalog ,
在使用the Flash programmer in Smnartsnippet with Eval.Board (Expert kit) ,when connect is pressed under log it asks us to press reset
"[ACTION @15-02-12 10:22:09] Please press the hardware reset button on the board to start the download process." ,so once we press the reset it will connect to the flash.
But in case of our custom board where SPI flash is used to store the hex code, when connect is pressed there is no such statement under the log .so it doesnt wait for the reset action ,SPI directly boots the application code . and fails to connect ot JTAG. This is the issue !
I will have someone in your region reach out to you directly to get this resolved. Sorry about not being able to help.