In application with SLG59H1128V, Can I have RSET value in 0.75A for Active Current Limit?
According to datasheet there's no statement for less than 1A of current limitation.
Device Number:
Hello. Based on the DS you can see that accuracy of our ACL is +-15% and typ value for SCL is 0.5A, so 0.75A current limit may trigger our internal short circuit protection or device may not power up correctly. That is why we suggest to set ACL min to 1A. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you for prompt reply, even with 15% of ACL accuracy, though I do not capture SCL confition , lower limit is 85% of 0.75A = 0.64A more than 0.5A(ISCL).
Is it possible to provide ACL equation?
You may not capture SCL on 1 part but you can't be confident it works for all parts. ISCL=0.5A is typ value and max may be up to 0.8A. Also the accuracy for ACL < 1A is even worse and we don't recommend to use 1128 for ACL<1A. We don't have equation for ACL but we provide a chart for IACL vs RSET on page 7 in DS.
I could well understand background of minimum ACL number. Thank you!
You are welcome.