I am using PAN1740 USB Dongle board. I have flashed sps_device code in to PAN1740.
(1)我可以在iOS DSPS应用中看到设备序列号。Howervr我看不到Android应用程序中的序列号。这个设施是Android的ot吗?
(3) I have a message from my manager that is " I see that this module has no commands and something implemented instead. However if you change the flash of the module how is the stack certification process kept? And the radio certifications?"
Here I just burn the System RAM. Do we need to make the above certifications in order to burn System RAm or SPI Flash or OTP?.
Hi Gandhi,
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi PM_Dialog,
1.使用iOS DSP移动应用程序时是否能够连接到平移?
The DSPS mobile application is available for Android devices, so it is little bit weird that you cannot see your device
No. I can see the device in Android also.
我的意思是设备的序列号祝福。在iOS应用程序I can see something like A92B3191-3A43-F4ED-ADFC-67 and so on. I thought this is the serial number of the BLE device. This information I dont see in Android. If this is something else, Is there any way to see the serial number of the device in the android app.?.
2.Did you use the iOS or the Android DSPS mobile application? In your custom board, I suppose that you are using the PAN, don’t you?
I have both apps iOS and android. In iOS if i enter 100 alphabets in the app, I can see up to 50 in the serial terminal. In Android it is even less.
yes I am using PAN in my custom board.
Could you please let me know if in the DSPS device source code, you are using the extended sleep mode?
Yes it is in extended sleep mode.
const static sleep_state_t app_default_sleep_mode = ARCH_EXT_SLEEP_ON;
3.If your question is regarding the BLE stack. Otherwise, please clarify it.
Hi Gandhi,
Thanks, PM_Dialog.
Hi PM_Dialog,
1. Here Im attaching the screenshot. I can see the device name and some other information(subscript) which i did not understnad. It is showing the name DIALOG-SPS. My requirement is to display some number like CL820-xxxx so that we can identify the product. Previously we have some devices with serial number CL820-xxxx. So this project will be the next version to them. We can easily understand. Sorry for my wrong communication. I was also thought to display the serial number of BLE. But our manager intension is to display our product number instead of DIALOG-SPS.
2. I am using 115200. Also I have tried with other Baudrates. Only partial data is displaying with PAN1740 USB dongle.
I did not use any UART flow control. I have just read that document. I will use UART flow control.
If I use UART Software flow control, can i have the code snippet pls?.
If I use UART Hardware flow control, I should only connect the hardware like Rx,Tx,CTS and RTS or should I do any other things?.
3.Today I was trying to pair the PC to my custom board. I am able to see the device on PC(DIALOG-SPS). When ever I try to pair /connect them, It says connecting for some time and then try to connect again. I have attached the image.
How can I do this?. UART flow control is the solution also for this?. Thank you.
Hi Gandhi,
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi PM_Dialog,
1. Thank you.
2.Since you are using extended sleep mode, you need to have hardware flow control and the CTS/RTS/TX/RX pins should be connected.
If I use ARCH_SLEEP_OFF. Then also I should use Hardware/Software flow controls.
I have some interface / connection doubts.
For example>
I would like to implement the Software floe control.
I have connected my DA14850 device to the MSP432 EXP Breakout board. The MSP breakout board has two parts one is debugger part and another is Microcontroller part. I have connected SWDIO ,SWDCLK pins of DA14850 to the SWDIO ,SWDCLK pins of Debugger and also RXD a,TXD pins of DA14850 to the RXD ,TXD pins of Debugger part.
If I want to have Hardware Flow Control:
Can I connect the pins like below:
#define gpio_uart1_tx_port gpio_port_0.
#define gpio_uart1_rts_pin gpio_pin_3.
3.当我试着运行中的设备调试ode, it is trying to recover the debug connection. And also written there that the device might went in to dep sleep mode and application could not come out of it. The device at this moment is ARCH_EXT_SLEEP_ON.
When I used ARCH_SLEEP_OFF then I can see the device like ARCH_EXT_SLEEP_ON. In these both cases I am unable to pair device. Please help me out this situation.
Flow control is the reason for this also. Thank you.
Hi Gandhi,
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi PM_Dialog,
Here I am not using the MCU. I am using the Debugger part of the developemnt board.
1. I just wanted to pair the BLE to my PC. I am not using the sleep mode.
const static sleep_state_t app_default_sleep_mode = ARCH_SLEEP_OFF;
2. Other side I tried the software flow control , On the debugger section I have pins for SWD and RXD,TXD. I have connected RXD and TXD pins of PAN1740 to TXD and RXD pins of debugger part respectively.
Then the code is not running. The keil shows RDDI-DAP error.
Software Flow control:
const static sleep_state_t app_default_sleep_mode = ARCH_SLEEP_OFF;
#undef cfg_uart_hw_flow_ctrl.
im unable to pair the device. Im not able figure out why it is showing the error RDDI-DAP when I connect RXD and TXD.
Hi Gandhi,
Did you have a look at DSPS user manual? Initially, you should connect the UART pins of the PAN to the FTDI’s pins in order to establish the connection between the PAN and the PC. After that you should decide which flow control you will use. Please have a look at the DSPS user manual. Then, download firmware into the Sys-RAM and hot attach the debugger and try to connect with the DSPS mobile application. To be honest, I not completely understand what you have done and which are the connections that you are using. I would strongly recommend you to read the DSPS user manual.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi PM_Dialog,
1. “I am using the Debugger part of the development board.” : The SWD is been using for debug purposes. You could download firmware into the Syst-RAM as well. Could you please clarify what do you mean with that?
是的。I am downloading the firmware to Sys-RAM via SWD. My intension to say Im using only debugger part is that Im not using the MCU part of the development board (MSP-EXP432P401R). Here my doubt was, Should I use MCU part to download the firmware to BLE_ or can I use only debugger part to download the firmware?.
I have got the answer. I no need to use the MCU on development board.
2.“I just wanted to pair the BLE to my PC.” I need some clarifications on that. Are you using a PC application?
Here Im not using any PC application. On the PC for example. If I want to use my phone via bluetooth, first we need to pair the device by entering some password. Then they will be paired and available for file or data sharing. This is waht my question was.
4.“Other side I tried the software flow control , On the debugger section I have pins for SWD and RXD,TXD. I have connected RXD and TXD pins of PAN1740 to TXD and RXD pins of debugger part respectively.” ; This is not software flow control! The SW flow control is a software implementation of HW flow control and instead of CTS/RTS you will have XOF/XON.
ble_app_security with UART also need software implementation of hardware flow control?. I dont see those macros in user_peripheral.h file. Also one doubt that earlier you mentioned that for software flow control we just need to have RXD and TXD connections and device must not be n sleep mode also we must change the macros from HW to SW in user_peripheral.h file. Then it automatically makes the communication in software implementation of HW flow control. Am i right?.
5.“Then the code is not running. The keil shows RDDI-DAP error.” : Could you please send me a screenshot?
I still see this error. When I connect only SWD pins I can able download the firmware to Sys-Ram . Additionally when I connect RXD and TXD pins to have serial communication then I see this RDDI DAP error in the keil. I have also asked in some other forums. One guy asked me to use level shifter if the logic level of MCU and BLE or different. Does it make any sens?. Do you think the logic level of BLE is different?. When i measured the logic level at RXD pin of debugger(without connecting the ble), I see 3.3V.
Im stuck here at serial communication. Im also attaching the screenshot. Please find it. Thank you.
Here I have connected RX and TX pins to the P0.5 and P0.4 respectively.
Hi Gandhi,
I am little bit confused, so can you kindly create new forum threads with your issues? Could you please let me know which project are you currently using, and which is your issue? Are you still working on DSPS reference application code?
#define uart2_tx_gpio_port gpio_port_0.
#define uart2_rx_gpio_port gpio_port_0.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Dear PM_Dialog,
Can we test serial communication on sps_device project?. You said I should implement flow control to have serial communication. You also said for ble_app_security project I dont need flow control.
#define CFG_PRINTF in the da1458x_config_basic.h
Change the uart ports of the fw and assign the UART_TX port/pin to P04 and UART_RX port/pin to P05 (make sure that the configuration that you have changed is under the HW_CONFIG_PRO_DK and that this the board declared in the HW_CONFIG definition).
Include the arch_console.h file.
However I do not see message on serial terminal. I have an error when I made debug on keil. that error is
*** error 122, line 17: AGDI: memory read failed (0x000000C6)
I have also attached the screenshot. Can you say me the soluton for this error.
I dont see that error for sps_device project. If I make above mentioned procedure for sps_device project, Can i see the serial data?. Thank you.
Hi Gandhi,
Try to unzip the SDK in a new deduced path folder and then re-install the Keil tool and the JLink. After that, try to build the projects. Are you able to build them correct? Be aware that I am not able to replicate your issue, so please try this and let me know.
Also please try to disable all the break points you have set inside your code.
Thanks, PM_Dialog