Watchdog works but the system didn't restart PMIC stay in POWER_DOWN. Only possibillity to restart is Power off and on. This is not a possible solution for me.
Autoboot is configured, SYNC mode for Bucks, GPIO_4 => 0x0C
Where is the configurationerror?
Thank you for your questions.
Could you send me the .ini file you are using?
Could you also measure Vsys and VDDCORE of the PMIC when the device is in power down?
Are you testing the DA9062 with the Eval board or in-system?
Kind regards,
Elliott Dexter
hello, we use a phytec SOM imx6 DualLight with a DA6092.
A .ini file is not availabe. The power measurements i will do lather
thangs andreas
Hello Andreas,
What have the devcies been programmed with?
Could you send me the markings on the IC, this will indicate the OTP number.
Kind regards,
DA9062 1647 ECAA is printed on the chip
regards andreas
hello Andreas,
Have you programmed the part?
kind regards,
Hi Eliott,
yes we used ower own driver.
regards andreas
Hello Andreas,
Ok, would you be able to send me the .ini file over email? I need to check the config settings.
We will also need to confirm the programming of the devices. Do you have an eval board ?
Kind regards,
Hi Elliott, i have no .ini file and no eval board. Tell me the registers of interest and i will give you the values.
regards andreas
Hello Andreas,
I need to see most register to chech for signs of a corrupted .ini file, for this will need almost all of the register settings.
Did you order blank parts(-00)?
My concern is that if a Dialog Eval board or a Dialog ICP have not been used and you have blank parts, then i would suspect that parts have not been programmed. This can damage the parts and your prototype boards. If the Dialog Drivers havent been used then this would also lead me to the same concerns.
Kind regards,
Hi Elliott,
the pmic is on a SOM from Phytec, i think they used proconfigured chips.
regards andreas
Hello Andreas,
Thanks let me look into that OTP.
The VDDCORE measurment will also help us debug this board. VDDCORE will give us an indication of what state the PMIC is in (RTC mode, reset...etc).
Are you able to read and write to the PMIC?
Kind regards,
He Elliott, yes i can read and write to the PMIC.
regards andreas
Hi, i make a measurement, the RESET output is LOW after RESET and all Powers are off
regards andreas
Hi Andreas,
When you say RESET output is that nRESET or RESETREQ?
Could you measure VDDCORE?
How are triggering the watchdog, I2C or hardware?
Kind regards,
Elliott Dexter
Hi Eliott,
the WD is triggerd over I2C.
The RESET is the reset outputpin of the SOM.
regards andreas
Hi Eliott,
with the DA6092 gui it´s not possible to simulate a device offline, a i2c connection is needed?
I configured Reg 0x0F => 0x44; Reg. 0x16 => 0xF0 Reg. 0x17 => 0x0C, Reg. 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9F, 0xA0 => 0x80
regards andreas
Hi Andreas,
To use the GUI in-system you, to track live register settings, you will need the part to be in a state in-which you can commuicate with it. I would recomend unsing the DA9061/62 Eval board.
Kind regards,
Elliott Dexter