Dear Dialog support team,
I need two Da14585 to exchange data(without using uart,namely only the 2 Da14585 exchange data directly), so I tested DSPS example.
To get the data from peer device, I first tested "dsps_device_dma" project with an Android mobile phone .
I use "arch_printf"(It's enabled) as in the attached to output the data.
two tests(See the pic in the attached/both tests have the following problem):
1. gattc_write_req_ind_handler <@file sps_server_task.c>
2.user_sps_server_data_write_ind_handler <@file user_spss_task.c>
I met the following problem:
当“arch_printf”与手机连接,不能啊ut put debug information at first connection, but if I disconnect,and connect again, then if I "send" information from mobile, I can get out put information from "arch_printf", and It's OK for 3rd and 4th connection to output debug info from "arch_printf".
So I want to ask the following:
1. why at the first connection, I can not get output info.
2. where is the best place/which function for me to get data? and if you can help to tell me the best way to get the data?
Hi BenjaminDu,
Could you please clarify what you would like to accomplish? You mentioned that you would like to exchange data between 2 DA1585 without uart, so both of them running the DSPS firmware (one of them is the host and the other the device). This is by default implemented in the DSPS reference design. After that you mentioned that you connected a mobile phone, so the device is connected with two hosts? Also, which application did you use? Did you download the DSPS mobile application? The DSPS prints the incoming data into a serial monitor. Apologies, but I am little bit confused with your description, so please try to explain in detail what you are trying to accomplish.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Dear Dialog,
To make things easier, let me express in a simplified way.
我测试了“dsps_device_dma" project on one Da14585 (as device) and connect it with a mobile(I downloaded the DSPS mobile application)
当“arch_printf”与手机连接,不能啊ut put debug information at first connection, but if I disconnect,and connect again, then if I "send" information from mobile, I can get out put information from "arch_printf"(device side), and It's OK for 3rd and 4th connection to output debug info from "arch_printf".
So I want to ask the following:
1. why at the first connection, I can not get output info.
2. where is the best place/which function for me to get data? and if you can help to tell me the best way to get the data?
Hi BenjaminDu,
Do you have the CFG_PRINTF (in da1458x_config_basic.h) defined? This definition enables serial interface logging mechanism. If CFG_PRINTF is defined CFG_PRINTF_UART2 controls the uart module used. If it is defined UART2 is used. If not, UART is used.uart or uart2 driver must be included in project respectively.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi Dialog support team,
I have it defined, and I can get debug info with "arch_printf" at second connection and 3rd,4th...,
My problem is why I can NOT get info at FIRST connection after Da1458X is powered.
Following 2 questions hope you can help to answer:
1. why at the first connection, I can not get output info.
2. where is the best place/which function for me to get data? and if you can help to tell me the best way to get the data?
Hi BenjaminDu,
Do you have the Pro-DK or a custom board? The arch_printf uses the UART2 and the DSPS application code by default uses the UART1. Please check the UART definitions in the user_periph_setup.h header file. If you are using the Pro-DK, the UART1 is directly connected to FTDI, so if you would like to have UART2, you have to connect to the FTDI the UART2. In more details, if you need to get printed additional debug information from UART2 (CFG_PRINTF is defined in da1458x_config_basic.h) then the pins 0.1 (TX) and 0.2(RX) exposed to connectors J5 of Pro DK’s respectively can be utilized by connecting a USB to Serial converter. I tested from my side and it is working as expected.
Modifications in Pro-DK
Thanks, PM_Dialog
I have the right hardware connection, otherwise I can not get the information at second connection.
My problem is I can not get the infomation at first connection of device and host(my mobile) at FIRST connection after Da1458X is powered.
Can you get the info at first connection?
Following 2 questions hope you can help to answer:
1. why at the FIRST connection, I can not get output info.
2. where is the best place/which function for me to get data? and if you can help to tell me the best way to get the data?
If the first question hard to answer, can you give me an answer of the second question?
Hi BenjaminDu,
I am not able to replicates your issue. Could you please let me know if you have done any other modifications into the DSPS project? I used the code that you have attached but I can send the info that you would like to send. Also, could you please clarify a little bit more what you mean with the debug info?
Thanks, PM_Dialog