Hello Dialog,
Whenever there is a change in the position or tilt of IoT sensor module, it wakes up from the sleep mode to active mode and transfer the sensor data. As I know there is interrupt generating from the acceloremeter when we change the position or tilt it , that wakes up the microcontroller from sleep mode. Is it correct?
What I want to know is whenever DA14583 sensor dongle in sleep mode how much current it consume? my doubt is whenever microcontroller in sleep mode the accerolemter part of the sensor will also be in on that means in sleep mode microcontroller sleep current(uA) and accelormeter on current both are counted right? If my assumption are correct how much that DA14583 sensor dongle consumes current in the sleep mode?
How should we set the periodic wakeup in DA14585?
Thank you
Hi vishnuatdialog,
I would strongly recommend you to have a look at the paragraph 12.1 Power Measurements of theUM-B-063用户手册DA14583 IOT传感器开发套件用户手册。Regarding the periodic wake up, the DA1458x, can be synchronously wake up via the BLE timer which can be programmed to wake up the system.
Hello Dialog,
Thank you
Hi vishnuatdialog,
I need some clarifications on this, so let me ask you some questions. Could you please let me know if you have developed your own custom board or if you are working on the 583 IoT module? Sorry, but I am little bit confused from your description. Also, are you working on the IoT reference design code or you have you own application code?
Hello Dialog,
对不起for delaying my reply,
We have developed custom board using DA14585 microcontroller and LSM6DS3 Sensor, and we used bel_app_peripherial project code as application code(we have made few changes in it). The code is working fine and hardware module also, now we are in the testing stage of the prototype module. The first parameter we want is the current consumption of the prototype module, we have captured all BLE states (advert, connected, sending data) current consumption data using smart snippet power profiler. Now I am looking for how much current it consumes when the DA14585 is in sleep and sensor is on, why because In our application one of the cases are gyroscope is on to capture the moment, whenever gyro detects angular moment above-set threshold limit(in dps), gyroscope will trigger the interrupt to wake up the microcontroller for sending data over the BLE. According to LSM6DS3 datasheet, at ODR:12.5 Hz gyro consumes of 500 uA, that means our device will consume always 500 uA and whenever the microcontroller is on the radio consumption also added to it.
For designing this prototype we have used DA14583 Dongle as a reference model, In DA14583 dongle we have observed that the device will go to sleep mode after a few seconds without any external motion, once it goes to sleep mode the LED blinking stops. If we move the dongle it wakes up from the sleep mode and starts advertising and sends sensor data once it connected, this was happening because the accelerometer is triggering interrupt right? Now I want to know that whenever the microcontroller in sleep mode the accelerometer still on or not? If it is on how much current the accelerometer is consuming? this gives us a little bit of clarity in our testing stage.
Thank you
Hi vishnuatdialog,
Regarding your first question about the current consumption of DA14585, I would strongly recommend you to have a look at theTutorial 4: Sleep modes current measurement_v1.0document from our support portal. In page 40, you will find analytic measurements of the DA14585. Also, this document demonstrates how you could measure the current consumption while the device is in sleep mode (either in extended or in deep sleep mode). Regarding your second question for the 583 IoT reference application design, when the device is in sleep mode, the accelerometer in low power anymotion detection mode. If a motion is detected, exceeding a specific threshold, then the CPU wakes up and starts advertising. The accelerometer is configured for low power operation with the ‘anymotion’ interrupt function set. All other sensors are put in Sleep mode as well. For getting more information about the current consumption of the 583 IoT design, I would suggest you to check the Table 2: Current consumption of theUM-B-064 DA14583 IOT传感器硬件参考应用程序用户手册。