Hi, I'm trying to program the GreePAK 46824 mounted on my STM32F401custom board. The first programming of device has worked properly. After this, I tried to reprogram the device using this sequence:
- NVM page nn erase
- NVW page nn write.
After make this, I have the following issues:
- 1 the device answers with I2C address = 0x00;
- 2 reading NVW pages returns all bytes = 0xff
- 3 the device is not working
Where I have wrong? Can we help me to solve this issue?
Many thanks in advance!
Kind regards
A. Barbieri - Como (Italy)
Device Number:
Hi Barbieri,
Thanks for your question, lets try to fix that issue.
Do you verify each page after writing?
-1 It’s ok in case you have erased the page which contains the device address and (important!) resetted the
chip after that.
-2 one of the reasons may be incorrect write/erase sequence. The latest device revision has some protection of that. Please order the last device revision at your distributor and use the recommendations//www.wsdof.com/sites/default/files/isp_guide_slg46...
-3 probably device is locked(damaged) irrevocably because of incorrect write/erase sequence.
Hope this will help.
Hi PavloZ,
Thank for your answer. Yes, I have perfomed the page read after write following the sequence isp_guide_slg46824_26_rev.0.1.pdf that I had already downloaded to implement my programming code.
Further question: what does you means with last device revision? What is the right part code?
Kind regards
A. Barbieri