I'm trying to get started with developing a production test for the DA14580 using the PLT. I currently just have one DUT on slot 1 and am trying to communicate with it but am running into issues.
Here's what I've done so far:
1. Powered PLT with 5V (VDD 5V) and 3.3V (VBAT & VDDIO).
2. Detected the COM ports for GU and DUT1
3.Updated firmware on the GU using SmartSnippets
4. Set configuration settings according to UM-B-041
5. Attempted to run tests
当我试图运行测试(或任何公司mmunication with the DUT) the output indicates "COMMS ERROR OR DUT NOT PRESENT". I probed the DUT interface and noticed that the UART baud is around 97000bps which is odd because it's not a standard speed. I tried changing the UART settings in the configuration but it doesn't appear to have any effect. Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong?
I've attached some captures of the PLT output and the traffic on the DUT interface.
Hi fitz,
I need some clarification regarding your issue. Could you please let me know if you are using a custom board or any of our development boards? In case you are using our DA14580/5 Pro Motherboard DK, the wiring is according to the figure 175 of the UM-B-041 user manual? Did you follow the configuration described in 7.2.5 DUT Hardware Setup (DA1458x) paragraph? Which version of PLT software are you working on? Also, can you please upload a screenshot of your configurations?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Thanks for the quick reply! Here are the answers to your questions:
1. This is on a custom board based on the DA14580-01
2. I don't see figure 175. The highest figure number in UM-B-041 that I see is 146 in Appendix P ( v4.2https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/system/files/resources/UM-B-041...)
3.I did follow section 7.2.5 (see attached) We use P_04 & P_05 for UART, and I have set the baud to 57600. However, I think this setting is only used after the PLT binary has been uploaded which is not happening.
4. PLT v4.2.0.160
I should point out that the process seems to fail at the "FW Download" stage so it seems to me like the PLT tool can't communicate with the bootloader via UART. Do I need to program the bootloader? I'm not sure if these devices have any firmware flashed to them.
I'm still unable to get past this point... any suggestions on what I can try?
Hi fitz,
In my previous comment I was referring into this user manual:
It seems that there is a communication problem between PLT and the DUT. The reasons of this error could be:
Could you please make sure that your custom board is full functional without using the PLT? Please, try to reset the COM ports in the PLT configuration tool and enumerate again. You can also try to put 0 into the “DUT COM ports” into the params.xml. For example,0 . After that, the PLT will try to find the ports again.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Thanks, for the feedback. I grabbed a new part to eliminate the OTP application flag issue so that should be okay. However, I the PLT tool is still unable to establish communication with the DUT.
I have checked the enumeration, made sure the DUT is on the correct header and checked all connections. In fact I can see the UART lines toggling as shown on the logic analyzer capture attached earlier. It seems like the path to the device is okay.
I have also connected a J-Link over SWD to the DUT and I can detect the DA14580 with it while the PLT is powering that DUT.
So in summary:
1. Device is getting powered (J-Link can detect it)
2. UART lines are connected to the correct DUT ( I can see them toggling using a logic analyzer )
3.我看到UART RX和TX数据但总是the same- this doesn't seem correct to me.
What is the expected baud rate for the Firmware Download stage of the PLT UART check?
I would really appreciate any further suggestions on how to debug this.
I did some more digging and tried to boot the DUT without the PLT to see if I can enter the boot loader manually according tohttps://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/system/files/resources/AN-B-001.... I've attached a pdf of the results.
Capture 1 shows power applied on VBAT, then 0x02 is received from DUT as expected. However, after that I see garbage data on both P04 and P05 and this cycle repeats indefinitely every 64ms
Capture 2 shows the zoomed in data
According to the linked document it looks like the OTP LDO is voltage is not okay. This is checking the internally generated voltage correct? What might the issue with that be?
Hi fitz,
Can you please clarify if your custom board operates correctly without using the PTL? Also, can you please attach the pdf of your results? I am not able to find it into attachments. I will check again your issue and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Sorry I think I forgot to click upload earlier. The pdf is now attached above.
Yes, the device works fine on the custom board. In fact it is working with the PLT as well at the production facility however I am trying to add some features to the production test and so need to reproduce the PLT->DUT setup.
Can you please confirm the PLT pin 7 (Tx) should be connected to DUT P0_4 (Tx) or DUT P0_5 (Rx)?
I have some more update. I connected to the device to Smart Snippet Studio manually using an FTDI cable and I am able to see it detect the device and read the OTP out. So the device is definitely alive, but the PLT is still unable to read it.
After swapping the Tx and Rx lines, I see different behaviour. It looks like OTP LDO is okay now and the bootloader loops 5 times before stopping. What still doesn't make sense is that the PLT isn't responding to the 0x02 message from the DUT.
See attached
Hi fitz,
The connection between PLT and your custom board should be like this:
UART Tx:DUT Tx (pin7) <-> DA1580 custom board Rx
UART Rx:DUT Rx (pin9) <-> DA1580 custom board Tx
Also you should connect the VBAT and the GND. Can you please follow step-by-step the 8 Example Usage paragraph of the UM-B-041 user manual? Reggarding the booting procedure of the DA14580, I would highly suggest you to have a look at the paragraph 6.2 DA1458x connected to UART of theAN-B-001 : DA14580/581/583 Booting from serial interfacesdocument. You will see that the booting protocol starts with the DA1458x UART TX pin transmitting 0x02.
Thanks, PM_DIalog
Yes I've been looking at AN-B-001. I can see the DA14580 UART Tx pin transmit 0x02 and this is shown on the attached captures. However I don't see any response to this from the PLT as I would expect and do in fact see using smart snippets toolbox as shown in attached.
I also have tried to reconfigure all my settings according to section 8 and see the same results
As a side note I accidentally accepted the above answer and there is no way to undo this.
I've discovered that if I leave the DUT Rx pin floating the PLT will actually respond to the DUT. However as soon as I connect the DUT Rx pin the PLT won't respond. Almost seems like the PLT can't drive the pin for some reason.
Once again it works fine with an external FTDI cable and the Smart Snippets Toolbox.
Is the PLT drive strength really low? Not sure what's going on here.
I removed a resistor from the interface board the DUT is connected through and it is working. Seems like the drive strength of the PLT UART is not very high which is why the Smart Snippets Toolbox was working.
Hi fitz,
Glad that you figured your issue out and thanks for the indication.
Thanks, PM_DIalog