Dear forum experts,
By reading the DA9062 datasheet (rev 3.5, page 92/96, table 139, see attachment) we're not sure about the timing of the nONKEY input.
Register CONFIG_J [0x10F] contains 2 bits SHUT_DELAY [3:2] and 2 bits KEY_DELAY[1:0] that control nONKEY behavior, but we don't see a mapping to the corresponding durations.
Does the mentioned "durations-matrix" for setting RESET_DURATION (22ms, 100ms, 500ms, 1s) also apply to SHUT_DELAY and KEY_DELAY settings?
Thanks in advance for your support,
I have attached a snapshot of table 7.1.1 and table 7.8.3. This table explains the different configurations of nONKEY and the effects of the RESET_DURATION register.
Let me know if you need further clarification.
Kind regards,
Elliott Dexter
Hi Elliot,
Thanks for your quick response to our question(s)!
We're aware about the general nONKEY behavior, but we just don't know the durations for SHUT_DELAY and KEY_DELAY settings in CONFIG_J[0x10F] registers.
SHUT_DELAY[3:2] = 00: ?? ms
SHUT_DELAY[3:2] = 01: ?? ms
SHUT_DELAY[3:2] = 10: ?? ms
SHUT_DELAY[3:2] = 11: ?? ms
KEY_DELAY[1:0] = 00: ?? ms
KEY_DELAY[1:0] = 01: ?? ms
KEY_DELAY[1:0] = 10: ?? ms
KEY_DELAY [1:0) = 11:?? ms
Kind regards,
Hello Martin,
SHUT_DELAY can be configured to be: 0, 4, 5 and 6 seconds.
KEY_DELAY can be configured to be: 1, 1.5, 2 and 7 seconds.
These registers can be found in the config tab of the DA9062 GUI.
Kind regards,
Elliott Dexter
Thanks a lot, Elliot, this is exactly the information we were looking for!
I didn't see the GUI so far (only the datasheet of the chip...), that's why I came up with this question. ;-)
(We're expecting to receive DA9062 eval-kits, by the way...)
Thanks again,