I download my secondary_bootloader.hex in my ram instead of the otp, although the SUOTA1 can be discovered, but when I want to update SUOTA2, the result is failed.
When I also download secondary_bootloader.hex with others into spi flash,the SUOTA can be success.
What's wrong?
Because I have only one da14580, so I can't download the otp.
I have change the spi gpio,
p2_7 CS
p2_1 SCK
Hi csq,
According to theTutorial 6 : Adding Software Update Over The Air (SUOTA)the multi binary image that contains the SUOTA1 bin and SUOTA2 bin, should downloaded into the SPI Flash. Please, read theTutorial 6为进一步的信息;n. You are able to download it from the Tutorials tab of the DA1450 SoC from our support page. After downloading your firmware to your device, you should be reset it, so if you store your firmware into the SysRAM, it will be lost after the reset.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
In fact, I download the multi binary image into the SPI Flash.
I just download the sceondary_bootloader.hex in the ram instead of the otp.
Hi csq,
Since if the secondary bootloader runs from the sysRAM the code would overwrite itself, so in case to have SUOTA functionality you should store it either in OTP or in SPI flash. When you burn the SPI flash with the secondary bootloader, could you please clarify if you have full functionality of the SUOTA?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Yes, all function can be achieved.