Hi Dialog,
Hi Roy,
This is our English BLE forum and the customers post only questions in English. For your case, be aware that we have a Chinese BLE forum. You could find it into our portal page. So, please post your question in English or post it into the Chinese forum.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi Dialog,
我使用SUOTA函数,应用a prompt, "invalid product header", I am using the DA14583 Bluetooth module, project source code and mobile phone screenshot, SUOTA_Multipart_Binary_Generator configuration options are in the attachment file
Hi NOA-Ben,
If you get this kind of code that means that the product header is corrupted, the SUOTA expects to read from the product header the location of the images, before doing that it checks the product header signature, which is 0x70 and 0x52 from position 0x1F000, if the product header doesn't match the signature bytes I have mentioned then the application returns the “Invalid product header” message. So, I recommend you to check the flash at that specific location and check if the data matches the data of the product header signature.
Thanks, PM_Dialog