I would like to use DA14580_QFN40 with printed antenna according AN-B-027 paragraph 5.3 “Reduced Size Printed IFA, 1 mm Substrate, Variant 2”.
My board is 1mm , 4 layers FR-4 , all layers are 1oz .
What should be the antenna’s dimensions trace to achieve 50ohm impedance.
The AN-B-027 document states the overall dimensions of this antenna are 8.2 mm x 16.5 mm. When using a 1mm thick FR-4 substrate, and using the listed dimensions, the antenna impedance will be close to 50 Ohm. To correct for de-tuning/mismatch that could be caused by the plastic casing when nearby, or metal e.g. battery, a matching filter close to the antenna is required. This is the recommended matching for your custom board.
Thanks, PM_Dialog