A custom board with DA14585 and flash memory AT25XE011 is connected to the development board DA14580-DEVKT-P_VC via JTAG connection.
使用SmartSnippet Studio V1.6.3.918 Kiel IDE我可以在调试模式下运行固件。
JTAG销连接是VBAT = 3.2V;GND;SW_CLK;和swdio
[错误SPI Flash @ 18-05-08 13:14:00] SPI内存擦除失败。
[错误SPI Flash @ 18-05-08 13:15:10] JTAG地址0x81FEC(MSB第一)Addditional错误信息:FF FF FF F8
[错误SPI Flash @ 18-05-08 13:15:10]内存刻录失败。
The SmartSnippets toolbox uses the flash_programmer project in order to burn the SPI flash. The Adesto 25XE011 SPI Flash is not supported from the default flash programmer. In order to use this type of memory, you should modify the flash programmer and add the configurations of that SPI Flash. You can find the flash programmer project in the following path of the SDK:
da1458x_sdk \ 5.0.4 \ Utilities \ flash_programmer
When you build the flash_programmer project you have two options, to build it as programmer_jtag or as programmer_uart. In your case, you should build it as programmer_jtag. After modifying and building the flash programmer project, you should copy the jtag_programmer.bin from the Out_jtag folder and paste it (with the same name) in the SmartSnippetsStudio\Toolbox\common_resources path, which is located in the installation folder of the tool. After that, you could download firmware into the Adesto 25XE011 SPI Flash
谢谢very much for your advice. I did the changes, compiled and copied jtag_programmer.bin from the Out_jtag folder and paste it in the SmartSnippetsStudio\Toolbox\common_resources path as jtag_programmer.bin as well as jtag_programmer_585.bin as that folder had both files initially. But the same error is coming up. I have attached the flash_programmer project file and a word file with all the changes I made.
can you please let me know what mistake I am making please?
我无法复制您的问题,因为我们没有这种类型的SPI Flash,所以我们无法测试代码。请尝试调试代码才能找到该错误的原因。我建议您将Flash_Programmer项目构建为Programmer_uart,以调试模式运行它,然后尝试通过UART连接SmartSppets的SPI闪存。使用该过程,您可以找到代码命中的位置。
I just wanted you to visually check whether I have added information in all the relevant places. BTW, we chose AT25XE011 as the document AN-B-055 on page 22 of 24 stated that it is supported.
另一方面,如果您可以向我发送闪存程序员模板代码,那么评论要包含的信息并用常用标记标记它(与Todo Line上方的示例类似的东西),那么它将更容易用户试图引入不同的闪存时要识别要包括的所有信息。
Some questions in my mind in-regard to the changes I made are
{at25xe011_jedec_id,at25xe011_jedec_id_matching_bitmask,at25xe011_total_flash_size,at25xe011_page_size,at 25xe011_mem_prot_bitmask,at25xe011_mem_prot_none},
const spi_flash_device_parameters_by_jedec_id_t spi_flash_known_devices_parameters_list []
#define spi_flash_devices_supported_count(7)// ak:7之前
// ak。AT25XE011,AT25DF011
#define SPI_FLASH_DEVICE_INDEX_AT25XE011 6 //??
#define at25xe011_jedec_id 0x1f4200.
#define at 25xe011_jedec_id_matching_bitmask 0xffff00.
#define AT25XE011_TOTAL_FLASH_SIZE 0x20000
#define at25xe011_page_size 0x100.
#define at25xe011_mem_prot_bitmask 4.
#define在25xe011_mem_prot_none 0.
#define at25xe011_mem_prot_entire_memory_protected 4.
#define at25xe011_manf_dev_id(0x1f42)// ak:aT25xe011制造商和ID
#define at25xe011_size 131072 // ak:spi闪存大小以字节为单位
#define at25xe011_page 256 // ak:spi闪存页面大小以字节为单位
不支持flash AT25XE011 SDKand also the document, mentions in table 6 all the memories that are supported, from the adesto family the AT25DN011, AT25DF011, AT25DS011 and not the AT25XE011 (the document mentions only that type of flash on table 7: Performance of the SPI memories supported I will try to find out why we mention that flash in the doc, since I don’t see the reference of that flash type in the flash programmer). Regarding the additions that you made in the code, you are correct (you didn't have to change the whatever you changed in the periph_setup.h file, but even if you did it doesn't matter since those defines are not used, the values from the spi_flash.h are used), regarding the index that you used, that depends on the place that you will assign the flash in the SPI_FLASH_KNOWN_DEVICES_PARAMETERS_LIST[], in your case this 6 as you have inserted. So if the flash that you are using has the same commands as the adesto already used in the programmer (check the spi_flash.h) WRITE_ENABLE, READ_DATA etc, and the connection are proper, you should be ok. If not you will to try to access the flash and debug the fw in order to see why you cannot interface with the flash. As far as I can tell from the datasheet of the flash that you mentioned I see that the commands used are identical, and the flash should work even without the mods adding a new flash, since the recon of the flash occurs via the JEDEC ID which are identical to the already existing Adesto of the flash programmer.
Thanks PM_dialog
作为PM_DIALOG确认,AT25XE011 configuration change in flash_programmer is accepted by smart snippets toolbox when flash_programmer was compiled and the jtag_programmer.bin from the Out_jtag folder is copied and pasted it with the name jtag_programmer_585.bin in the SmartSnippetsStudio\Toolbox\common_resources path.
The VCC and nCS were having proper voltages. But the problem faced was, due to accelerometer LIS2DH12TR (which was NOT powered up) sharing the SPI lines SI, SO and SCK with AT25XE011, the voltage of SI and SCK were pulled down below 1.5V resulting in the flash memory not reacting to the commands. Once the accelerometer LIS2DH12TR is removed from the custom board, the flash was able to be programmed.