Hi Dialog,
I am using the following commands for programming SPI flash memory using Smart Snippets CL tool:
SmartSnippets.exe -type spi -clk P2_0 -cs P2_3 -miso P2_4 -mosi P2_9 -chip DA14583 -com_port 5 -gpio P1_2 -uart P0_2 -firmware C:/Users/dhiraj.patil/SmartSnippets/resources/flash_programmer.bin -cmd erase -y -nomessages 00
SmartSnippets.exe -type spi -clk P2_0 -cs P2_3 -miso P2_4 -mosi P2_9 -chip DA14583 -com_port 5 -gpio P1_2 -uart P0_2 -cmd write -file E:/phonepe/DA14583/Software/SDK/DA1458x_SDK_5.0.2.1/DA1458x_SDK/ -y -nomessages 00
It takes about 18 seconds to complete programming and I wanted to reduce the time taken . My question is does the '-cmd write ' erases the flash and then writes to it? If thats the case I will just run the second command instead of running both. And also need some suggestions in how to reduce the programming time?
Hi dhirapj15,
No, the write command doesn't erase the flash, you will have to erase the flash before writing your fw, regarding the time that it takes for the erase and write to complete, i dont think that there are much to do with it, in order to improve it, since you are using the UART interface. The JTAG would be faster as an option.
Thanks MT_dialog
Hello dhirajp15,
Can you tell me how to open the Smart Snippets CL tool? I can't find the SmartSnippets.exe file in bin folder. If it is possible tell me how to open the CLI.
Thank you
Hi vishnuatdialog,
The SmartSnippetsToolbox.exe file is located under the SmartSnippetsToolbox directory in your program files, just open a command line from that directory and type and follow the guidelines provided in the UM-B-083.pdf in paragraph 21 Command-line Implementation (you will be able to find the pdf from the help option of Smart Snippets tool).
Thanks MT_dialog
Hello Dialog,
When I installed the smart snippets there is no file like smart snippets toolbox in C drive. Not in any of the drivers on my computer I can find only the smart snippets toolbox application.
This is my workspace path C:\Users\GIPL9165\workspace_SmartSnippets_Studio.
Thank you
Hi Vishnu ,
For me the path for Smart Snippets toollbox is :
Hello Dhirajp15,
For me, that path is in C drive only C:\DiaSemi\SmartSnippetsStudio\Toolbox. When I open SmartSnippetsToolbox from there it is showing this message:
Feb 23, 2018 11:56:41 AM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences
WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5.
Do you also get like this?
Thank you
Hi vishnuatdialog,
I suppose that this is an issue with the installation of either the tool or the java used on your PC.
Thanks MT_dialog